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04 Simple Ways To Increase Motivation For Outsourced Employee

admin August 23, 2021

With the 4 methods below, you can keep your company's outsourced staff continuously motivated to work productively and efficiently.

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1. Recognition of efforts

Have you said a "thank you" to an outsourced employee working at your company recently? Recognition is extremely important to most employees, especially the outsourced employees.

04 Simple Ways To Increase Motivation For Outsourced Employee

People always want to feel valued at work. When you recognize their efforts and contributions, they will feel more confident and motivated to be productive.

2. Commendations and Rewards

04 Simple Ways To Increase Motivation For Outsourced Employee

If you've ever done was say "thank you" or "good job" to motivate your outsourced employees, they're bound to ask questions. Do you really recognize their abilities?

Showing appreciation for their efforts by giving them a reward. You can create nomination programs. Rewards can be cash or movie tickets, gift cards.

You can also use this tactic to motivate teams. For example, the team with the best performance will get a lunch at a pizza restaurant or something similar. Remember, rewards don't have to be expensive for employees to feel appreciated.

3. Giving feedback/reviews

Another way for outsourced employees to be motivated without spending any extra money is to give them reviews. Many employers do not have regular reviews of their workers.

04 Simple Ways To Increase Motivation For Outsourced Employee

Employees always want lots of regular reviews from their boss. This is especially true for young employees who like clarity and timely judgment from their superiors. If you're working on a project, have timely feedback reviews at the end of the day or once a week.

Feedback and reviews can tell employees what they are doing. It can also provide helpful advice on how to improve. Armed with this knowledge, employees can feel better equipped to tackle even the toughest tasks.

4.    Providing opportunities and enhancing skills

04 Simple Ways To Increase Motivation For Outsourced EmployeeMany recruiters stop training after an employee completes the training. Let’s think about continuing to create opportunities for employees to train and improve job skills. Your outsourced workers still need to keep cultivating their skills to get better, because they're still working for you.

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