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Triumph in Recruitment: Vietnamese Welders Excel in 6G Test for Saudi Arabian Employers

On July 22, 2024, Vietnam Manpower organized a recruitment test where Vietnamese welders showcased their skills in the challenging 6G welding test. With the direct supervision and feedback from Saudi Arabian employers, the event highlighted the welders' exceptional talent and the high-quality training provided by Vietnam Manpower. This successful recruitment reinforces the trust and partnership between Vietnam Manpower and Saudi Arabian employers.

July 22, 2024 - In an impressive display of skill and dedication, Vietnamese welders have successfully completed a rigorous recruitment test organized by . This event marked a significant milestone as all participants undertook the challenging 6G welding test, a testament to their expertise and the quality of training they received.

The recruitment test, held on July 22, 2024, showcased the talents of Vietnamese workers who are set to bring their skills to Saudi Arabia. Vietnam Manpower, renowned for supplying high-quality workforce solutions, facilitated this event with meticulous planning and support. The welders, equipped with extensive knowledge and training, delivered outstanding performances, impressing both the organizers and the employers.

Triumph in Recruitment: Vietnamese Welders Excel in 6G Test for Saudi Arabian Employers

Triumph in Recruitment: Vietnamese Welders Excel in 6G Test for Saudi Arabian Employers


A unique aspect of this recruitment test was the direct involvement of the employers from Saudi Arabia. Their presence and supervision added a layer of excitement and authenticity to the process. The employers provided real-time feedback and interacted with the welders, creating a dynamic environment that encouraged the participants to showcase their best work.

The success of the welders in this test underscores the effectiveness of Vietnam Manpower’s training programs and the dedication of its staff. The enthusiastic support and comprehensive training provided by Vietnam Manpower played a crucial role in preparing the welders for this high-stakes test. The workers' ability to excel under scrutiny highlights their readiness to meet the demands of their future roles in Saudi Arabia.

Vietnam Manpower extends heartfelt congratulations to the welders for their exceptional achievements in the 6G welding test. This accomplishment not only reflects their hard work and determination but also solidifies the trust that Saudi Arabian employers have placed in Vietnam Manpower’s ability to supply top-tier workforce talent.

Triumph in Recruitment: Vietnamese Welders Excel in 6G Test for Saudi Arabian Employers

Triumph in Recruitment: Vietnamese Welders Excel in 6G Test for Saudi Arabian Employers

As these skilled welders prepare to embark on their new journey to Saudi Arabia, Vietnam Manpower expresses gratitude to the employers for their continued confidence and partnership. This successful recruitment event marks the beginning of a promising collaboration, setting a high standard for future workforce exchanges.

Congratulations once again to the talented welders, and a sincere thank you to the Saudi Arabian employers for their trust and support.