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A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

On August 21, 2024, Vietnam Manpower successfully organized a crucial recruitment selection event for workers. This event attracted a large number of participants and demonstrated the continuous commitment and efforts of the entire team at the Vietnam Manpower Training Center.

In a significant milestone for the labor export industry, organized a highly professional recruitment selection event on August 21, 2024. This event, which marked a critical step in the for workers aiming to work in Romania, attracted considerable attention due to its scale, meticulous planning, and the direct involvement of Romanian employers.

The recruitment selection was held at Vietnam Manpower’s cutting-edge , which had been meticulously prepared to host the event. The facilities were equipped with state-of-the-art technology and all necessary resources to ensure an optimal environment for the evaluation of the candidates. Vietnam Manpower’s commitment to excellence was evident in every aspect of the event, from the well-organized testing areas to the seamless coordination of activities.

The presence of Romanian employers, who supervised the event directly, added an extra layer of credibility and transparency to the process. Their involvement ensured that the selection criteria were strictly adhered to, providing an objective assessment of the candidates' skills and qualifications. This direct supervision also fostered a sense of accountability, as the employers could directly observe the competencies and readiness of the workers they would potentially employ.

A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

Comprehensive Training and Impressive Performance

The candidates who participated in the selection event had previously undergone extensive training at Vietnam Manpower. This training program, designed to meet the specific needs of the Romanian labor market, covered a wide range of skills and competencies. The program not only focused on technical abilities but also emphasized soft skills, cultural adaptation, and workplace etiquette, ensuring that the workers were fully prepared for the challenges of working abroad.

During the event, the candidates were tested on various aspects of their training, including practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork. Their performance was a testament to the effectiveness of Vietnam Manpower’s training programs. Many candidates excelled in their assessments, demonstrating not only their technical proficiency but also their ability to work under pressure and adapt to new environments. This strong performance is a reflection of both their personal dedication and the high standards set by Vietnam Manpower in their training and preparation processes.

A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

A Commitment to Quality and Transparency

The successful organization of this recruitment selection event highlights Vietnam Manpower’s unwavering commitment to quality and transparency in the labor export process. By ensuring that all candidates are thoroughly vetted and well-prepared, the company continues to build trust with its international partners and maintain its reputation as a leader in the industry.

The involvement of Romanian employers in the selection process is particularly noteworthy, as it reinforces the company’s dedication to meeting the specific requirements of its . This collaborative approach not only enhances the credibility of the selection process but also ensures that the workers who are ultimately selected are well-suited to their roles and capable of contributing effectively to their new workplaces.

Looking Ahead: Follow the Journey

As this recruitment process moves forward, Vietnam Manpower is committed to keeping stakeholders informed about the progress and outcomes of the selected candidates. The company will be providing regular updates on the journey of these workers, from their final selection to their deployment and integration into their new roles in Romania.

A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

These updates will be shared through Vietnam Manpower’s website and social media channels, offering insights into the experiences of the workers and the ongoing support provided by the company. By following these stories, stakeholders can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of Vietnam Manpower’s recruitment and training efforts, as well as the quality of the labor force being exported to international markets.


The recruitment selection event held on August 21, 2024, represents a significant achievement for Vietnam Manpower and its commitment to excellence in the labor export industry. Through meticulous planning, comprehensive training, and direct collaboration with Romanian employers, the company has once again demonstrated its ability to deliver high-quality labor solutions that meet the demands of the global market.

A professional recruitment test with direct supervision from Romanian Partner

As Vietnam Manpower continues to pave the way for successful labor export initiatives, it remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, transparency, and quality. The company invites all interested parties to stay engaged with the ongoing developments of this recruitment process and to witness firsthand the positive impact of its efforts on the lives of the workers and the success of its international partnerships.