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10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker

admin May 27, 2021

Human resource development is an essential and prioritized issue to form an enterprise. Therefore, Employers invest a lot of time and energy searching for and hiring candidates. However, too few adequately prepare for the new member's arrival to their team. For a foreign worker, the new employee's first contact with his physical and working environment is very important. This first meeting is an opportunity to inform the worker about the company’s history, its values, customers, the services offered, the co-workers and the desired behaviour. This step is even more important because the person must also acclimatize to a new country and a new culture.

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10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker


1. Planning the orientation for new employees’ the first months of working. Actively ensuring participation and organization of training activities to avoid information overload.

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker2. Arranging working time so that new employees can go to work as soon as possible

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker3. Facilitating initial conversations between new and old staff. Feeling free to share their new colleague's history, career experiences, a bit about their family, age, job title as well as some information about their country. Lastly, explaining to the existing workers the reasons that led to hiring a foreign worker in order to defuse potential fears.

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker

4. Creating favorable conditions so that new employees can get information about the company by providing documents or printing a directory with photos and names of the entire work team, specifying their roles and responsibilities. Since newcomers won't be familiar with personal information giving them a way to contact colleagues if needed.

5. Creating a specific schedule for new employees on the first day of work so that they do not feel shocked

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker

6. Holding a formal meeting including the immediate supervisor and key staff to meet face-to-face with the new employee. Take this opportunity to clarify the duties, responsibilities, schedules, tools, work methods, and other expectations of the position, and confirm the employee's understanding. Supervisors or other team members should spend their lunch break eating with employees at least for a few days. Also consider hosting an intimate evening event for the new employee.

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker7. Prepare a workplace for new employees including local specialties or even organize a small party with a taste of the country so that everyone can discover new cultures and cuisines.

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker

8. Capturing the new employee's performance after the end of the first day to ensure duties are meeting employer expectations and clarify any concerns that new employees don't understand.

9. Drawing your employees involved through mentoring or coaching programs. This will be very rewarding for existing employees, and will also be a positive experience for the newcomer. Some companies even create a training department, whose mission is to facilitate the newcomer integration process by intervening in certain situations, and putting best practices into place in terms of foreign worker integration.

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign Worker10. Supervisors should adapt their management style to the unique needs of the newcomer. To help these managers take on the challenges ahead, they can take part in the . It will also make them more accountable for the success of the newcomer integration.

10 Key Behaviours To Better Integrate A Foreign WorkerIn conclusion, it is important to remember that the successful recruitment and retention of foreign workers depends heavily on the quality of their integration both in the workplace namely creating an inclusive environment, providing appropriate training and supporting in the workplace. By deploying the necessary resources, employer will greatly improve chances of hiring success and pleasing all parties.

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