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Tips to categorize the types of candidates you meet

admin January 06, 2023

There are many types of candidates with different interests when looking for a job. If it is a potential candidate, you need to look at their needs and characteristics to see if they are a good fit for the position you are applying for.

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Ask them this question: “How would you describe yourself as a person?”.

Money maker

You want your candidates to put sales goals first?  If they respond like this, you've found the right type of person:

“I am a negotiator, and I like to focus on the customer, helping them identify a need and provide products and services to fulfill that need.”

“I am a person who likes to set sales targets to strive for, and I am willing to adjust my goals to fit the requirements of the company from time to time.”

If they have all the skills or experience the position needs, then this candidate is a worthwhile investment.

Potential discoverer

If your company is in need of personnel to launch a whole new category, it must be someone who is not afraid to try new things and make difficult decisions. While performance is important, in the new field being motivated, knowing how to set goals, executing on tasks, and not being afraid of commitment are signs of dedication. Eg:

“I'm not one to just pick options or areas of safety. I believe that a person's worth is measured not only by what they can do, but also by how they do it."

Tips to categorize the types of candidates you meet

Loyal personnel

Their dedication comes from loyalty and a desire to help the company grow. This is a rare trait and is especially essential for the success of the company. They prefer companies whose mission and ideals align with their core values, and if found, they won't jump to another company as soon as the opportunity arises:

“For me, success is important. But I don't measure success based on projects that resonate or win contracts to build a name for myself. Success is only important when I serve meaningful goals and get through tough times together.”

The question is, does your company share their values?

Growth seeker

They are the type of candidate who always wants to move forward. They will not choose a job that is secure but boring and lacks opportunities for personal growth.  Here's what this type of candidate will say:

“I am naturally curious and want to learn everything I can about the company and the industry. I consider a successful career not only through income, but also through the amount of knowledge and skills learned every day.” “One of my goals is to learn a new skill every time I can. Whether it's a new tool for design or a way to present in public… I'm eager to experiment.”

What are you waiting for, let's introduce the personnel training route that your company can provide if the candidate accepts the job.

Responsible person

No one is without mistakes at work. But the people who are willing to stand up to admit it and correct it are not many. And an employee who learns from mistakes is more helpful than someone who tries to avoid mistakes by all means. Eg:

“I am someone who is not afraid to make mistakes, and I want to learn from them instead of running away from them. I once sent a customer substandard products because I believed they had been checked by the post-production department before being shipped. Since then I always check the goods before shipping, and then call to check if the customer is satisfied.”

Vision-oriented candidate

There are people who do not simply make money, or grow for themselves. They love to chart the distant future for a product or a brand. They love the prospect of realizing the company's mission, even outlining the points that need to be revised, milestones or standards that need to be met in order to fulfill that mission. These are usually people with high standards who love to correct mistakes and see mistakes that most people don't notice. They can be recognized by answers such as:

“Personal success is one thing. But what I want is to overcome the company's limitations in the way it approaches customers. At the same time, it opens up possible promotion directions for this product line to be further developed."


There are people who not only have good communication skills, but also have the quality of being dedicated to the surrounding community. Their attention, dedication to meet the needs of customers is the company's precious capital. Because if the customer is happy, the service will be successful.

“My friends always come to me when they are in trouble or need advice. I suppose it's because I give them empathy and respect. Similarly, I see my ' problems as mine and really want to help them solve them."

“I have always been an extrovert. I am willing to listen to the concerns of my customers and seek solutions or leads that can assist them.”


Candidates will always want to show a useful side of themselves compared to other candidates. It will be great if you find a candidate who has most of the above factors through the interview.  And don't worry too much about them being dishonest, you can still confirm by asking their References, not to mention 2 months probation. The remaining issue is: does your business meet the needs of the candidates, let them accept the job, as well as stick with it for a long time?

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