What is digital transformation and digitization? Digitize to advance digital transformation
NOVEMBER 23, 2023
In the age of digital technology, digital transformation and digitization are two important concepts that businesses need to understand to be able to apply effectively, helping businesses develop and...
What is a production system? Roles and classification of common systems
NOVEMBER 23, 2023
The production system is the key to helping businesses be proactive in their business and production processes. Thereby, the company will limit arising costs as well as unexpected risks.
How to Build Social Media Personas for Your Business
NOVEMBER 23, 2023
Social media personas can help your brand more authentically reach your targeted audience.
Brand Salience: Why It’s Important and How to Boost Yours
NOVEMBER 23, 2023
Every marketing professional dreams of having a high-salience brand on their hands — a brand that readily comes to mind when a given consumer is ready to make a purchase. Here’s what you need to know...
Link Building: The Ultimate Guide to Build Page Authority
NOVEMBER 22, 2023
Have you ever thought about just how much value search engines give to what links say? Through links, web crawlers discover new content to index and understand how pages relate to one another.
LinkedIn vs Facebook: Which One Fits Your Marketing Goals Better?
NOVEMBER 22, 2023
Social media marketers have many platforms to choose from these days, each with its own unique benefits, but Facebook and LinkedIn remain the top choices for many reasons. In this post, learn how to...
Customer Success vs Customer Service: The Difference Explained
NOVEMBER 22, 2023
Creating a well-rounded customer experience means that your brand needs to know the difference between customer success vs customer service and understand how these two strategies interact with each...
Customer Empathy: How to See Things from the Customer’s Perspective
NOVEMBER 22, 2023
Today’s consumer is looking for more than great products and services that deserve their attention. They want a personal relationship with the brands they buy from, and customer empathy is the key to...
Social Branding: What it is and How to Create Yours
NOVEMBER 21, 2023
As a marketing expert, you should know what social branding means, and how you can help create an effective social branding strategy to help your company grow on social media. Learn more about this...
What is Link Baiting? [+ 7 Types of viral content to generate more links]
NOVEMBER 21, 2023
Link baiting is a series of techniques used to attract backlinks to web pages. This practice increases the chances of being linked to other websites.