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Desiree Goldey unveils subconscious recruiting mistakes to watch out for

admin July 13, 2023

Success often comes down to spotting what others miss. Whether it’s our own missteps we unknowingly stumble upon or the missing out on the hidden, emerging trends that silently shape the industry. In our latest Youtube series, The Recruitment Scoop, Desiree Goldey–talent operations manager at Hub Recruiting, shared a few tips for spotting these subconscious recruiting mistakes she sees recruiters making today.

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Revealing the subconscious pitfalls in recruitment

Despite our best intentions, we often stumble upon subtle traps that divert our path to successful recruiting. So here’s what you need to watch out for:

1. Overcoming unconscious bias

As the diversity, equity, and inclusion lead for her organization, Goldey addresses the issue of unconscious bias in recruitment.

She stresses the need for recruiters to recognize and work around their unconscious biases and to read resumes without being judgmental.

Awareness of bias and proactive learning about taking equal hiring measures are steps toward fairer recruitment. Desiree encourages hiring teams to start conversations about diversity hiring initiatives and ways to mitigate unconscious bias.

Desiree Goldey unveils subconscious recruiting mistakes to watch out for

2. Shaking off candidates who ghost you

Ghosting–the act of suddenly cutting off all communication, is not just a dating term anymore. It’s seeped into the recruitment industry too!

Desiree suggests that if a candidate ghosts you, don’t take it personally.

So many recruiters continue to be persistent with candidates who seem like a perfect fit, but it’s important not to waste time on job seekers who are not promising to begin with.

So if your candidate is just not getting back to you, despite all your efforts, it’s time to pull the plug! Redirect your focus on promising candidates instead.

3. Never overlook the candidate experience

Candidate experience is paramount in the , and Goldey is a huge believer in treating your candidates to the best!

After all, a long and difficult hiring process can lead to a disappointed and uninterested candidate who could have made the perfect hire.

To improve your candidate experience, she emphasizes the importance of making a personal connection with candidates during the interview process.

Recruiters and candidates should research each other before the interview, and the process should be as streamlined as possible for a smooth hiring experience.

Competition will always be your biggest challenge; hence focusing on your candidate experience is the best way to stand out.

4. Paying attention to silent trends shaping recruitment

As the recruitment industry evolves, it sprouts trends that often slip under the radar. And if you’re not paying close attention, you might just miss the boat to the next big wave of hiring success–another subconscious common recruiting mistake!

To help you thrive amidst these silent shifts, Desiree Goldey sheds light on how to stay ahead amidst these silent emerging trends.

- Mastering market understanding: Desiree Goldey highlights the importance of understanding your market with the recruitment landscape in constant flux. Staying aware of recruiting trends and candidate expectations can streamline your hiring process and help you stand out.

Desiree Goldey unveils subconscious recruiting mistakes to watch out for

- Utilizing technology for efficiency: Today’s digital age calls for the effective use of recruitment technology. Goldey suggests using tools like whiteboarding and applicant tracking systems for better time and candidate management.

- Emphasizing research and continuous learning: Goldey advocates regular research and learning to stay updated with recruitment trends. In today’s tech-driven world, so many types of resources, including recruitment blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos, are available for continuous learning and career development.

- Keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be much more prepared to sidestep subconscious recruiting mistakes and track silent trends.

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