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Loud quitting: The new & unexpected workplace trend shaking up recruitment

admin July 28, 2023

The recruitment landscape is no stranger to change, but the latest trend, ‘loud quitting’, is turning heads. If you’re puzzled wondering what this new buzzword is all about, buckle up.

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What is loud quitting?

Loud quitting, the antithesis of its predecessor “quiet quitting“, is a trend characterized by employees actively disengaging from their jobs and openly expressing their discontent.

According to the State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report by Gallup, approximately 18% of global employees, roughly one in five, fall into this actively disengaged category.

This trend is gaining momentum, especially among millennials and Gen Z employees, who are unafraid to voice their dissatisfaction on social media platforms like LinkedIn and TikTok.

The impact of loud quitting on the workplace

Loud quitters not only voice negative sentiments about their bosses but also drag down the entire organization before their departure.

Loud quitting: The new & unexpected workplace trend shaking up recruitment

They harbor resentment due to unmet needs and act out their dissatisfaction, potentially undermining the achievements of their engaged colleagues on a daily basis.

This behavior is not just detrimental to the organization’s goals but also to its overall work environment.

It can lead to a constant crisis in the workplace, affecting other team members’ well-being and work-life balance.

How can recruiters respond to loud quitting?

Here are 5 ways to mitigate the impact of this trend:

1. Open communication

Encourage employees to express their concerns and frustrations openly. This way, potential loud quitters can be identified before they cause significant damage to the workplace.

2. Employee engagement

Regularly engage with employees to understand their needs and expectations. It can significantly reduce feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction.

3. Proper role alignment

Ensure that employees are assigned roles that match their skills and interests. This can help reduce feelings of mismatch and discontent.

4. Effective management practices

Train managers to effectively handle employee concerns and conflicts. Doing so can prevent loud quits and maintain a positive work environment.

5. Retention strategies

Implement strategies to retain employees and prevent them from becoming loud quitters.

This could include offering competitive salaries, providing growth opportunities, and maintaining a positive work environment.

5 strategies for managing loud quitting effectively

1. Role clarity

Ensure that employees have a clear understanding of their job descriptions and expectations.

Misunderstandings or misalignments can lead to dissatisfaction. Regularly review your job postings and discuss them with employees to ensure alignment before onboarding.

2. Career development opportunities

Provide opportunities for employees to grow and develop in their careers. This could be through training programs, workshops, or mentorship initiatives.

Employees who see a clear path for growth and advancement are less likely to disengage.

3. Recognition and rewards

Implement a robust recognition and rewards system. Recognizing employees’ hard work and contributions can boost morale and job satisfaction.

Verbal recognition, awards, and tangible rewards are all possible ways to reward employees.

Loud quitting: The new & unexpected workplace trend shaking up recruitment

4. Work-life balance

Promote a healthy work-life balance.

This could be through flexible work hours, remote work options, or wellness programs. A healthy work-life balance can reduce burnout and increase job satisfaction.

5. Constructive exit interviews

Conduct thorough and constructive exit interviews when employees resign.

This can provide valuable insights into why employees decide to leave and what changes could be made to improve retention.

Remember, the key to dealing with loud quitting lies in understanding and addressing the root causes of employee dissatisfaction.

Let’s tune into the needs of our workforce and create a harmonious workplace for everybody to thrive.

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