The Ultimate Guide to Recruiting the Best Warehouse Workers
MARCH 05, 2016
A warehouse requires a lot of positions for different roles at all levels, from management to general labor. Despite the increasing use of machinery and equipment, they play a crucial role in...
Want to Hire Vietnamese Construction Workers? Know About Their Traits Before Taking the Plunge!
MARCH 02, 2016
In the last article, you have an in-depth knowledge about Vietnam Construction Industry, today, we will dig deep into Vietnamese Construction worker' traits. If you still think of them as an amateur...
In-Depth Knowledge About the Construction Industry - the Important Step in Finding the Right Workers
FEBRUARY 24, 2016
In the world, construction industry is always seen as a vital sector attracting a large number of manpower sources in the labor market. If you take a deeper look at Vietnam Construction Industry,...
Practical Guide to Better Managing Your Migrant Workers
FEBRUARY 20, 2016
Here is an practical guide to help you better manage your migrant workers. It can be used by multinational companies, employers, unions.
Are you hiring migrant farm workers? Then notice these things!
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Migrant workers become more and more important because they can fill labour and skill shortages. Recruiting migrants can be quite different from recruiting the local employees and new migrant workers...
Must-Have Keys to Successful Workplace Social Dialogue
FEBRUARY 02, 2016
We are seeing a transition in the workplace, from monologue to dialogue, from communicating to, to communicating with. Still, there are many problematic social dialogues at work that don’t achieve...
Ownership at Work: How to Get Your Employees to Care as Much as You
JANUARY 23, 2016
How can you get your workers to care as much as you? Ownership at work is indeed the issue that any companies, even Fortune 500 companies, can encounter every day.
Workplace Temperature Is No.1 Cause of Unhappiness Among Your Employees, Backed up by Survey
JANUARY 16, 2016
“It’s too hot” versus “It’s too cold” seems to be an endless battle at workplace. 7 out of 10 workers in a poll say they are unhappy with the climate at their workplace, making the workplace...
Why Your Business Needs to Consider Blue Collar Worker Engagement
JANUARY 14, 2016
Blue collar workers refer to people who perform manual labor. In many industries such as construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, agriculture, transportation and warehousing, blue collar segment is...
4 Secrets of Effective Teamwork in Construction Projects
JANUARY 07, 2016
Effective teamwork is one of the most important factors for the success of every business in general and construction project in particular. As a leader, there are several actions you can take to...