Making Better Matches: The Real Drivers Behind Labour Shortages
MAY 04, 2023
As economies have recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic, employers in Europe have found it increasingly difficult to recruit the right candidates and fill their job vacancies.
Supply chain network: Guidance to design it right
APRIL 24, 2023
Designing an effective supply chain network requires careful consideration of various elements, including objectives, strategies, constraints, and technologies.
Skills based Hiring: A Win-Win Solution for Employers and Workers
APRIL 20, 2023
In this article, we will delve into the concept of skills based hiring and the significance of verified skills.
Invisible pressure in the workplace, what should managers do to minimize risks?
MARCH 23, 2023
Entering the office environment, sometimes your employees will encounter psychological pressure from other employees. This invisible pressure can manifest in many different forms such as boycott,...
Revealing 10 steps of highly effective work assignment that you can't ignore
MARCH 20, 2023
Delegation of work plays an important role in every company. Employees will rely on the assignment of the manager to determine their roles and responsibilities, thereby having an appropriate work...
7 factors to help employees find happiness at work
MARCH 15, 2023
Happiness at work, is this concept familiar to you? Most employers seem to think that money is the most important factor in job satisfaction. After all, people go to work also to make a living.
Silo working: The walls separating the organization
MARCH 14, 2023
Silo working has become a typical labor model of every organization. However, the world is constantly changing with outstanding improvements. Is it time for these “baffles” to be folded to make room...
What is occupational safety? The importance of occupational safety to businesses
MARCH 13, 2023
To protect the rights of workers and limit risks for businesses, the labor safety law was born. So what is occupational safety?