How to Manage Conflict Among Employees
DECEMBER 31, 2015
When people work together, conflict is inevitable. Employee dispute is not always bad thing if the leader can handle it well before it escalates to big war in the whole team or organization.
Lunch Breaks at Work: One Hour or Half Hour Is Optimum to Benefit Organization and Workers?
DECEMBER 29, 2015
The lunch break time is often a source of heated disagreement for many. Whilst for some companies, it is one hour, others have half-hour lunch policy, and for the unlucky few, it may mean eating and...
Are Your Workers Zombies or Superheroes? And How to Survive Workplace Zombies (part 2)
DECEMBER 26, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
Are Your Workers Zombies or Superheroes? And How to Survive Workplace Zombies (part 1)
DECEMBER 19, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
Why Employers Should Love Vocational Education
DECEMBER 17, 2015
There remains a paradox in the world labor market in many years. While millions of jobs couldn't be filled, youth unemployment is always high year to year. Unfortunately, a huge number of unemployed...
Superheroes at Work, Do You Have Them in Your Organization?
DECEMBER 15, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
Is Working Too Hard the Greatest Regret of Your Life?
DECEMBER 05, 2015
Do you regret having worked too hard? Bronnie Ware addressed working too hard is one of people’s regrets in her book. But I think what people regret more than working too hard is not working hard...
How to Leave a Bad Day at Work Behind?
DECEMBER 03, 2015
We can't avoid some bad days at work but we can leave these awful things behind and prevent making the same work mistake again in the future. Find out how to get over a bad day at work in this...
Hiring Foreign Workers: Is It Really Worth It?
DECEMBER 01, 2015
In many countries, foreign workers make up a large part of the workforce. Still, there is some debate about benefits of this for the economy of the country. Here I will look at arguments for and...
IQ vs. EQ: which is more important in career success?
NOVEMBER 19, 2015
We used to believe that high intelligence quotient (IQ) people always succeed at their career. However, only high IQ doesn’t guarantee career success. A lot of researches indicate that leaders and...