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Should you hire candidates or jump jobs?

admin February 08, 2023

Many employers will refuse or even consider hiring someone who jumps jobs often because they are disloyal, troublemakers, lazy, and fickle. However, for others, the type of employee who tends to "shift" is one of the most attractive candidates. And here's why.

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They learn fast

The main advantage of hiring job hoppers is that they learn very quickly. They have experience in a lot of jobs, have understood a lot of organizations inside and out, so they pick things up quickly. It could be the skills needed to do the job or the behavior of people. They will understand all this in no time. So employers won't need to worry much about their performance during the training period and the results afterwards.

They like change

Job-hoppers are also an asset to the company because they like change. They don't like to follow the 'rut', so when a new idea is proposed and approved, they jump right into it. If done well, they can serve as an example to demonstrate the fact that the changes being made are not as difficult as they seem.

Should you hire candidates or jump jobs?

They have a wider network of working relationships

Job-hopping people will experience many different positions and companies, and come into contact with many people, so they have more relationships than people who stick with one job for many years. That's important to them and a boon to the company. Relationships often bring us new ideas, spiritual support, and help connect with different communities. This is a critical success factor for your entire staff and organization. So don't underestimate them!

They bring many new things

In fact, when hiring a jumper you get their accumulated knowledge, best practices, and experience from the companies they've worked with. If their work is in the same field, you can gain industry knowledge that even your current employees may not have. And if you are in a different industry, you will also be updated with a broader perspective and practical experiences that can be applied in business development management.

They identify upcoming problems

Have worked with many different companies and this helps the job-hopping person to become an expert at recognizing the difficulties that are coming. They will notice and warn you about factors that can have serious consequences. Thus, you will be saved from troubles.

They are creators

Finally, job-hoppers are often very good at creating new discoveries. They often have a creative mind to ask unusual questions. These questions can help your organization achieve breakthrough results. If a jumper gives you an innovative idea that the company can implement and use over the long term, the cost of hiring a jumper is easily offset and you only benefit from the transaction.

Of course, sometimes you'll run into "bad" job-hopping people. Their signs are that they have no references from previous companies, often move between different jobs and industries because they really don't know what they want, and have no valid reason to leave their jobs. Currently, it's simply boring... To avoid hiring mistakes, use your senses and reason to probe to better understand these things.

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