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What if the concept of project management had not existed?

admin May 26, 2023

Modern-day project management is roughly seventy years old and is evolving continuously. From traditional process and methodology-driven approaches to more flexible, agile-based approaches and various in-betweens, there is no shortage of prescriptions on how project management should be done or how projects should be delivered.

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That situation raises several questions. As modern-day project management is roughly 70 years old, what was before that? How were (uncountable) projects delivering structures such as pyramids, mega colosseums, and Eifel tower, just to name a few, completed after all?

What if the concept of project management had not existed?

At the conceptual level, defining and naming abstractions is an extremely important task for solving day-to-day practical problems. It helps create a common understanding and language and facilitates building knowledge in a structured manner to solve problems and support growth activities.

1) Effort management / Work management or

3) Don’t Ask Me, Get It Done (DAM GID) management [smartly pronounced as: daem gud management].

What if the concept of project management had not existed?

The above discussion shows that perhaps asking the question, “What if the concept of project management had not existed?” is helpful from two perspectives:

  • Given the widespread use and variations that exist, it seems there are several avenues for reflection to develop a new stream of knowledge for the effort management of non-routine tasks. Thinking about the future and asking, ” What if the concept of project management had not existed?” will help in coming up with new ideas about new ways of working on non-routine tasks. We discuss a few of such avenues below:
    1. Surely, one can say that when people complete non-routine tasks, the stakes may not be that high, as is often the case with business-focused projects. But that does not limit or eliminate the usefulness of understanding the behaviours of people when performing non-routine work, as that understanding can be extrapolated to build new ways of working on projects.

      Evolution is a natural phenomenon. With the exponential growth of knowledge across various different domains and sciences, people will naturally be interested in the evolution of project management as a domain. One way to examine evolution is to ask the question that is the core of the discussion in this article.

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