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What is internal training? How to build an internal training process

admin November 10, 2023

Internal training is widely applied to help workers practice knowledge and professional skills. What are the popular forms of training? How to build an internal training system?

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What is internal training?

Internal training is training and employee development programs within the enterprise. These programs can provide training on knowledge, soft skills, etc. Training will go hand in hand with improving knowledge, professional skills, and performance of employees within the business.

There are  internal employee training form for businesses to apply. For example, businesses can organize direct training with management through events, seminars or organize online soft skills courses with leading experts.

Benefits of internal training for businesses

Internal training  plays an important role in the personnel development roadmap and long-term orientation of the business. In the world, many internal training programs are conducted and strongly developed by businesses. Some examples of famous internal training  include Googler to Googler (from employee to employee), Facebook's Managing Unconscious Bias, Pivot (Training program aimed at employees). weak member) of Amazon,...

To understand why businesses around the world focus on this issue, let's continue to monitor the positive things that internal training brings.

  • Increase employee productivity: Training courses will help employees gain an overview and in-depth overview of their work. From there, the professional capacity and productivity of employees will be significantly increased.
  • Save recruitment costs: Instead of having to spend money to recruit and pay new employees, businesses only need to train the company's employees who already have a background. This approach also helps businesses save a lot of time recruiting and training new employees.
  • Build employee loyalty: Through training sessions, employees will be aware of the value of the work they are performing. From there, employees' trust and loyalty to the business will be strengthened, creating opportunities for them to develop their own capabilities.
  • Building corporate culture: Building corporate culture is one of the indispensable contents in internal training sessions . It can be said that employees are the core element that builds the learning and working culture of an enterprise. A business that owns excellent employees who regularly hone their skills will contribute to improving work efficiency.
  • Building a professional management system: Internal training will provide employees with in-depth knowledge about the projects and products the business is implementing. Thanks to that, the working process will be carried out more smoothly and effectively.
  • Determine long-term development direction: Employee training is considered an important factor in determining the long-term development direction of the business. Basically, employees are the ones who implement the strategies that the business has set. Therefore, the quality of employees will determine the strategic results of the business.
  • Retaining good employees: In addition to good remuneration policies and clear promotion paths, the quality of internal training is also a factor for employees to decide whether to stay long-term with the business or not.

What is internal training? How to build an internal training process

Popular forms of internal training

Each business will have different characteristics, personnel structure and business products. Therefore, depending on the characteristics of each business, different forms of training can be applied. Normally, internal training will be carried out in 4 popular forms:

  • Mentoring training: Mentoring training is a form of training conducted between an experienced employee in the profession and an inexperienced employee. At this time, the mentor will play the role of guiding the mentee on the necessary knowledge at work. This form of training is very suitable for businesses that often have to recruit new personnel.
  • On the job training : After these training sessions, personnel must know how to use the available resources of the business. On-site training is suitable in case of new product launches, changes in business direction, or new software updates.
  • 1-on-1 internal company training programs : With these training programs, experienced employees will directly train new or less experienced employees.
  • Seminars : Many businesses organize seminars to improve the skills and professionalism of their employees. With this method, the presenter needs to focus on his or her expertise to lead the lecture and solve discussion problems.
  • General internal training : General internal training is a necessary form that every business should apply. Units should regularly organize internal training sessions to educate employees about skills, products, corporate culture, etc.
  • Online training : A form used by 77% of US businesses in 2017. They find that online training can significantly reduce training time by 40-60%, giving them more time to practice. More focused to complete assigned tasks. To be able to carry out this training, each employee only needs a computer or simply a phone with an internet connection.


Internal training and external training - Which form should businesses use?

Internal training and external training are both popular forms, applied by many businesses. So, what is the difference between these two forms? Let's find out below!


Internal training Outside training
Done at the enterprise Done outside the enterprise
Done by internal staff Done by experts or influencers from outside the company
The target audience is internal employees Target audiences are internal employees, remote employees, partners, customers, etc
The purpose of training is to disseminate employee policies, corporate culture, etc. The purpose of training is to learn new knowledge, business or leadership perspectives from experts
Use internal force Hire outside consultants
Managed by employees within the business Organized by experts with specialized knowledge
Training is only carried out within the enterprise Employees can meet and exchange ideas with experts and lecturers from other organizations
Low cost Costs more

5 steps to build an internal corporate training process

Step 1: Assess the company's training needs and development orientation

First, businesses need to determine what business strategy they want to build? What is the human resources plan? How will implementing in-house training help? The main goal that businesses need to aim for in the training course is to help employees improve and gain more professional knowledge and job skills.

What is internal training? How to build an internal training process

Step 2: Determine training goals

Businesses need to orient themselves to certain requirements and goals when providing internal training. Factors that businesses need to ensure include:

  • Determine employee roles and responsibilities to achieve business goals.
  • The tasks that employees need to perform to achieve the set goals. 

After determining training goals, businesses should give specific directions for the training session. This is considered an important step, deciding the success of the training session.

Step 3: Develop training processes and programs

Before conducting a training session, businesses need to develop a clear and detailed training plan. A good training program will motivate more employees to attend sessions.

This plan should include methods, documents, instructions, etc. Here are some things to note when developing an internal training plan :

  • Prepare detailed reference materials, with clear examples and real-life situations.
  • Stay engaged during the training session with questions and discussions
  • Break up training knowledge into smaller pieces, avoid cramming too much content into one session

Step 4: Conduct training

When conducting training, businesses need to arrange a clear schedule for course activities and then arrange staff to carry them out. Besides, employees participating in the training session should be divided based on needs, qualifications and titles. Each business with different training purposes will develop different solutions.

Step 5: Evaluate training effectiveness

After finishing the training session, businesses need to evaluate the results from the employees as well as the organizers. For employees participating in training sessions, businesses can collect comments and feedback from them to evaluate the effectiveness of content transmission.

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