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Why You and Your Team Need an Interactive Calendar in 2023?

admin August 22, 2023

Today’s version of a typical calendar is not what it used to be. It has turned into an ‘interactive calendar.’ How so? Read on…

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When someone refers to a calendar; they are not limited to those paper calendars hanging on your wall or displayed on your desk, nor are they simply those small planners in someone’s purse or backpacks.

Calendars now are so much more. Calendars have transformed in this digital age to be dynamic, living documents.

Calendars can help you not only schedule and remember dates with ease but also offer a range of features that are all-encompassed into interactive calendars.

And with project management, interactive calendars are not only becoming more and more common they are becoming necessary too.

Here is our guide on what you need to know about interactive calendars and why it is high time you invest in one for the benefit of yourself and your team.

What is an Interactive Calendar?

Everyone has used a calendar in some form during their life, whether that be to keep track of their schedule or simply to check the date.

With the new age of technology, every phone has a calendar in-built and therefore is available even on the go.

Interactive calendars can be described as digital calendars where you note down events, deadlines, reminders, and such.

Besides basic calendar functionalities, however, most interactive calendars also offer advanced significant features as well as the ability to be shared with either team members or other individuals you wish to share it with.

Why You Should Use an Interactive Calendar?

An interactive calendar can be an incredibly useful tool for managing your time and staying organized. By using an interactive calendar, you can easily keep track of your appointments, deadlines, and other important events.

You can set reminders to ensure that you never forget an important meeting or task, and you can easily view your schedule at a glance. In addition, an interactive calendar allows you to easily reschedule or rearrange appointments as needed, and can even help you identify pockets of free time in your schedule that you can use for other productive activities.

Overall, an interactive calendar can be an invaluable tool for anyone looking to stay on top of their schedule and maximize their productivity.

What are the benefits of an interactive calendar?

The next question to ask is why you should even consider using such a calendar. There are many benefits to adopting such a calendar especially when you look at the workforce and how it can help you and your team.

In this post, we will address some of the benefits you can gain from investing in such a calendar for your project management team.

Why You and Your Team Need an Interactive Calendar in 2023?

However, these benefits and those not mentioned hereunder are also relevant to other industries, working relationships, and more.

Benefit Number 1: Easily Update Team Members and Other Individuals

No matter what industry you are working in or what your organization or company is, communication is the key all around.

This is especially true in the case of project management where both team members and need to be aware of what is happening and be on the same page regarding the project being worked on.

This can be difficult when updates are shared over emails or with an overload of meetings.

With the help of such calendars which are interactive, you can get updates in real-time from all individuals who are part of a project.

You can also share the calendar with clients or stakeholders as a means of keeping them updated as well without the constant back and forth of emails and other such communication.

Benefit Number 2: Always Have it on Hand

Another great thing about having a calendar that is both interactive and digital is that it is with you wherever you go.

This is especially useful for someone who is constantly on the move or for individuals who have different sites or locations to be at.

With such a calendar you can check your schedule on the go and know exactly what you need to do and where you need to be.

Benefit Number 3: Ability to Combine More Than One Calendar

If you are a project manager or other such leader, chances are that you are working not only on more than one project but also on different work tasks and items.

Interactive calendars give you the ability to not only access a shared online calendar for the project but also organize and track personal deadlines and other non-project tasks and responsibilities.

A good calendar with an interactive ability still allows individuals to combine projects and other tasks and not share these other dates with the team.

Therefore, you will be able to have everything within one calendar ensuring you do not overschedule or overlook any important dates or deadlines for the multiple things you are working on.

Benefit Number 4: Easy Scheduling

With the help of a calendar that has all the tasks of the project as well as what each team member is working on in one interactive space, allows for easy scheduling.

Not only can you see what each team member is working on, but you can also view when a certain individual is on leave or out of the office.

Moreover, such calendars help you ensure that you do not overburden any one individual with tasks and that you can assign duties and responsibilities based on what your team members are already working on.

Benefit Number 5: Reminders and Notifications

Having a calendar that is interactive with your team allows you to save time that you would otherwise be spending on checking in with your team members.


Well, investing in a good interactive calendar comes equipped with reminders, alerts, and notifications.

Checking in via emails and other constant check-ins can be time-consuming and tiresome.

Why You and Your Team Need an Interactive Calendar in 2023?

The alerts and reminders do away with the need for these check-ins and emails. You can also use these reminders to ensure you do not miss any important deadlines or meet yourself.

Moreover, through such calendars, you can also easily view what people are working on without having to get in touch with them.

Benefit Number 6: Accessible for Your Team

Such calendars are not only easy for you to share but also easy for your team members to share.

Team members can easily alter and adjust dates and correct any scheduling mistakes which may have been made. These alterations are then available for everyone on your team to view so each individual is updated and informed of changes.

Benefit Number 7: Possible Integrations with Other Software

Such interactive calendars also help you streamline your entire workflow and processes since most of such calendars offer the ability to integrate with different tools or software you are already using.

You can integrate your calendar with tools such as emails, communication applications, and even project management tools.

Combining applications in such a way helps you be more efficient and decrease the need to be switching to and from different apps which not only wastes time but is a means of things getting lost or overlooked.

And these are just some of the benefits you can gain, and reasons why you should invest in an interactive digital calendar.

Benefit Number 8: It makes you more productive

Using an interactive calendar can significantly increase your productivity. By organizing your schedule, you can better plan your time and ensure that you are using it efficiently. You can prioritize your tasks and allocate appropriate time to complete them.

By setting reminders and deadlines, you are less likely to forget important tasks or miss important deadlines. This can reduce stress and anxiety associated with missing deadlines or forgetting important tasks.

Additionally, an interactive calendar allows you to identify a free time in your schedule and use it for other productive activities. By maximizing your time, you can get more done in less time, which can ultimately lead to increased productivity and success in both your personal and professional life.

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