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8 ways to unleash the potential of employees in the new year

admin December 24, 2022

Successfully cultivating a culture of support and unleashing the maximum potential of your employees will help you have an excellent team. You have carefully selected your staff and have a great team. However, there are days when you think they are not reaching their full potential. It's not that employees are lazy, it's that they feel like they can't fully focus on their work.

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Fortunately, there are many ways for you to change that. And here are the 8 best ways to unleash the full potential of your employees that you can apply in 2022.

Pull them out of their comfort zone

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to maximize employee strengths is to pull them out of their comfort zone. This doesn't mean failing them by asking them to do a task they can't complete.

Instead, challenge them to work in an area where they're an expert but still need some extra skills to do the job well. This not only helps them unleash their potential but also overcome their fears. For example, if someone is afraid of public speaking, suggest they take a course and then let them lead a meeting in the future.

Let employees know how they fit into the big picture

Do your employees know how important they are to the business? If not, take the time to let them know. Your team may not see the big picture if you don't show it to them. However, if you share this as an extra perk, they will push themselves to give 110% of the capacity.

Promotes cooperation and teamwork

"You won't be able to unleash your employees' potential if they're isolated in the work environment and have no one to talk to, even if their job requires skills to work independently."

Investing time and maybe even money in team building will pay off. Organizing sporting events or trips together will make employees feel welcome and supported and know that they are part of the team, not just a cog in the machine.

Always think of "we"

The best managers think about the team. They don't say "I'm having a hard time" but "We're having a hard time". Not “What can I do?” rather than “What do we need to do?”. Not “My Success” but “Our Success”.

This creates a sense of shared ownership over everything that's going on. Of course, not every decision is made by consensus, but this means that people do better when they are involved in aspects of the company that affect them.

Regularly give feedback

“How am I doing?” This is a question every employee has in mind. They crave your feedback and it helps them know where they can improve and what strengths they need to work on. Whenever an employee submits a report or performs a task, give them feedback. You don't need to detail it in writing, a compliment "Good job!" is enough in many cases.

If you notice that employees are not reaching their full potential with the task, ask them to improve like “Can you make some corrections? Everything is good but I believe you have the ability to do better.” Of course, you also need to give precise instructions on what to expect. When employees do a good job of improving, they deserve the encouragement “Good job!” that they are waiting for.

8 ways to unleash the potential of employees in the new year

Appreciate the effort

Praise should not only be limited to results achieved but also to effort. This will help lift morale, build confidence, and motivate employees to try and go further in the future.

Praise should not be confined to one-on-one meetings with employees, but should be done in team meetings and other situations where praise can be shared with more people. Any employee appreciates the opportunity to shine in front of their colleagues.

Invest in training and support

If you think hiring someone who is well-versed in the job requires no additional training, think again. An expert today will become a novice as new technology emerges, so learning must be ongoing.

The first step to unlocking potential is knowing what employees need to improve, then choosing the right activity such as inviting training experts, participating in online courses, seminars or conferences …

Be open and listen

Employees are not your equal in authority or responsibility, but that doesn't mean you should just give orders and "program" them to listen to you without asking any questions.

Giving employees the opportunity to ask, suggest, complain, and speak their mind will make them more creative, critical and contributing. Maybe one of their ideas is all you need to close the sale or improve the quality of your product.

Most business resources lose value over time. Technology and software aren't as valuable as they were when they first bought them, but employees are different. They have the potential to create greater value for the company the longer they work. And one of the most important roles of managers is to create conditions for employees to reach their full potential. Implement these 8 potential sparking ideas that will help you see that atmosphere in your team this New Year.

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