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10 tips to boost employee morale

admin September 13, 2022

Currently, there are many companies facing the situation of employees who are depressed and quit after only a short time of working. The main reason comes from the low working spirit, no motivation to continue to contribute. So how to solve this problem? Follow the article below to know how to encourage effective employee morale.

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Why is it important to encourage employee morale?

For every company, employees play a pivotal role in promoting growth. Employees are excited to work, productivity is automatically improved, business is efficient, sales growth is fast. However, there are many cases of personnel neglecting work just because of low morale.

Therefore, methods to boost employee morale are now always noticed and sought by many managers.

Encouraging employee morale is a method based on understanding the psychology of employees. Therefore, this is considered as leverage, bringing unexpected positive effects.

Motivating employees to increase productivity

If the company regularly encourages employee morale, productivity will be higher. Because employees will feel they are trusted and really important in the company. This leads to satisfaction, the spirit of working together is therefore more enthusiastic.

Let's say a salesperson hasn't hit their KPI target for the month. However, they tried very hard and the manager saw this. Instead of criticism, the employee is motivated with a solution. As a result, profits will gradually increase in a stable and long-term way.

10 tips to boost employee morale

Reduce the number of employees taking many days off

What if employees feel pressured to work at the company? And they always find a way to ask for a break to have a relaxing time on their own.

Motivating employees to work is a way to make them feel happier. Going to work every day is no longer a burden. Instead there is a strong impulse to want to be dedicated. Human resources know that they should be responsible, if they leave, it will delay the progress.

Besides, knowing how to encourage employee morale is also a simple way to bring economic benefits to the company.

10 tips to encourage effective employee morale


To achieve success in the process of conquering talent, an important fundamental factor is understanding people's hearts. Schedule regular meetings with employees, but remember that you don't just spend the entire session talking about achievements and results.

The concerns of employees will greatly affect the productivity of each person. Therefore, managers need to know how to listen to the opinions and explanations of each employee to have appropriate solutions to remove these "knots".

Listening, focusing and respecting the needs of employees not only helps motivate employees, but also increases the ability to work effectively in groups as well as creates a sociable and trusting relationship between employees and management. physical.

Give reasonable, thoughtful compliments

As a leader, in addition to the plans and projects that need planning, sometimes you need to stop and praise your talented employees. Then, employees will see that you appreciate and recognize the efforts they have put in.

Motivate employees in this way through weekly or monthly praise, commendation and encouragement. Besides, you need to build a program for employees in a friendly way as well as give them monthly rewards to encourage them.

Show favor

From opportunities to attend prestigious industry conferences or allowing employees to hold a luncheon in your office to incentives in the aspect of professional support such as asking employees to attend. Attend meetings with higher management, meet important customers.

Sometimes giving employees a few favors will have a significant impact on their work morale. Through your attention to detail and coverage, employees will understand and appreciate your leadership role, thereby giving their best effort at work.

Put your trust in employees

Being trusted by superiors is always the biggest motivation for any employee. When you give trust, you also send the message that employee performance is really good and superiors do not need to worry about anything when assigning responsibilities to them.

Always keep the door of the office open

There is a lot of work that needs to be done to lead the team effectively, so getting caught up in the work vortex and not being able to interact with employees is inevitable. A simple way to overcome the above difficulty is to keep your office door open.

This way, you can easily observe the working situation of employees, and ask questions when they approach (in case you are too busy to take the time to step out of the office).

Help employees receive recognition from many directions

Depending on the nature of the job, some employees often do not receive direct praise from their superiors or customers. In this case, when indirectly knowing the work results of good employees, tell them and have fun together.

Another way to help employees feel recognized in the team is to encourage everyone to see each other's strengths. During the team meeting, ask everyone to comment on the co-worker they feel is excellent or has made the most progress.

Employee hospitality

Surprise by treating the whole group to lunch or offering snacks is also a way to show respect to employees. This method seems practical, but it is the easiest way for employees to feel that you care for them.

Say Thank you

The word "Thank you" shows what employees need from the leader. This statement proves that you always pay attention to and recognize the hard work that employees have devoted to the company.

In addition, managers should encourage their employees to give their opinions, suggestions, and feedback on work as well as corporate policies. The way each employee works will help the business go up better, so give them the opportunity to express their opinions and voices in the working process.

Always create opportunities for development and advancement for employees

Often, employees will switch jobs when they see no opportunities for advancement and opportunities to learn and develop themselves. When there is a deadlock at work, employees will feel depressed from which they will jump jobs. So teach your employees new skills or foster professional skills. When employees' talents are promoted, it will benefit both the company and the employee.

Have fun after stressful working hours

Always encourage your teammates and employees to do their best because they know that the reward behind is always very valuable. In order for employees to "play" with the company's tasks, leaders also need to "play" when offering reasonable rewards. Maybe it's a Team Building picnic, hot cash rewards or decorating the workplace like a small cafe.

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