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4 things to think about when recruiting friends

admin February 08, 2023

If you are holding an important position in the business and friends and relatives approach you for a job, should you hire them?

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As a manager, you need to consider very carefully whether combining your personal and professional life is worth the risk. Here are some things to consider before deciding to hire a loved one!

Recruiting is not the way to help someone

As good friends, that means helping friends in need. You can give them spiritual advice and encouragement, make connections and refer them to others, you can even provide financial support but you can't give someone a job just because you want to help. Surname. If you do not ensure the appropriate expertise and skills, you will not help anyone, on the contrary, you may accidentally harm them, harm your own company. If that friend is placed in a position where they are not well equipped, it will be difficult to achieve satisfactory results. Over time you will become dissatisfied with them and they will also get annoyed with you, even worse, irrevocable friendship.

Even if they fully meet the standards, there are still many risks. Maybe it's because the business isn't doing well, or they've lost interest in their work or made an irreparable mistake… And now your relationship will suffer.

The hidden danger of "crossing the fence"

Your friend may always be aware that they will not receive any favors, but the reality is that deep down in their minds they always consider themselves special than other employees. You may not realize it, but they may consider themselves non-employees. This will not only affect the way they work and handle the situation when there is a conflict, but also make you "spoiled".

4 things to think about when recruiting friends

Thinking biased

All company employees know that you have recruited your relative and difficulties will come when that friend does a good job and has certain achievements. There will be people who think that the only reason for that success is because that person has a personal relationship with you. And unfortunately, they will never get rid of this thought.

Of course, it would be ideal to build an office environment where employee success is as transparent as possible and eliminates negative thinking, but sometimes this is not as simple as that so.

Always be careful about communication style

Even though you are friends, in the workplace, you are still their boss and there should be a clear line between the two, which means you must always pay attention to your communication style and what you say to your friends. themselves and other employees. That includes avoiding sharing at work about you and your friend going to a soccer game, going shopping, or seeing a concert together… These are just normal activities, but they're not. must be properly managed and you will need to have ground rules for communicating with these friends. It may be difficult to remember "when to be a colleague and when to be a friend" but it will be essential for your work and good relationship.

When recruiting acquaintances, you may encounter many unforeseen situations. A positive outcome is of course great – everyone “wins”, otherwise all is lost: the organization is not productive, friendships are “stolen”. So think carefully before making a decision. Good luck!

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