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Are you moving forward or backward?

admin December 19, 2014

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney

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If you leave a frog in a bucket of hot water, what does the frog will do? Immediately, he decides: "There is nothing interesting, I have to get out of here!". He will jump out.
If you leave this frog into another bucket of water and put the bucket on the stove, slowly heat up, what will happen? The frog will feel relax, he talks to himself: "It's warm here." Only a few minutes later, the frog was boiled.
What is the meaning of this story? Everything has its process. Like the frog, we felt hazy and suddenly it becomes too late. We need to know what is happening.



Question: If you woke up in the morning and knew you increase 20kg, would you be worried? Of course you are worried and called the emergency: "Please come quick, I am fat!". But when it happens gradually, this month 1kg, 1kg in other month and we tend to ignore.

When your budget exceeds $10 a day, it seems no problem. But if you continue to do it, you will be penniless. For those who are in debt, overweight or divorce, first it was not a major disaster - because every day it happened a little bit, and then one day "boom," They thought: "What did happen to me?". 

Every day we have to wonder what is our target? Where is the destination you need to go? Am I progressing? If not, we need to change what we were doing.
The success of a business depends on your behavior. If you do not evaluate the quality of work, the employee's behavior or how outdated your recruitment process frequently, then the consequences will be enormous. HR experts estimate if a company failed in recruiting an employee, company would lose an expense from 3 to 6 times the annual income of that employee. Refresh your manner through interviewing candidates and candidate resources can bring a lot of efficiency and innovation in the workplace.​


This is the most frightening thing - there is no standing still! You have to move forward or backward!


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