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How to Build a Healthy Company Culture for Maximum Success

admin May 17, 2024

Regardless of how smart you are, it’s your employees that make your business successful. Therefore, building a healthy company culture should be one of your top priorities. A healthy culture acknowledges the shared beliefs, values, standards, and attitudes that characterize your company’s goals. Most importantly, a healthy culture breeds well-being, happiness, productivity, and thus the results.

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Healthy Company Culture tip #1: Embrace transparency

Regardless of your company size, transparency is critical. Employees who have no idea about their organization’s values, vision, mission, and earning are less likely to work productively. When you encourage transparency, your employees will become more aware of what’s going on in their organization. This will help them understand how they can improve or solve the problem.

Communicate with your team on a daily basis and make sure you share only true facts and information. As soon as you set this open line of communication, you’ll see a significant difference in the mood and productivity of your team.

If you’re serious about building a strong culture though, let your team see the company’s financial information. Whether the company’s profit is declining or thriving and cash is tight or abundant, sharing financial data makes employees feel a part of the corporation. They start feeling they’re fairly paid and thus turnover declines and commitment grows. This is a bold step and it’s up to you to decide whether you want to be honest and successful or secret and broke.

How to Build a Healthy Company Culture for Maximum Success

Healthy Company Culture tip #2: Consider your office space

According to Susan Cain’s TED Talk “The Power of Introverts,” the majority of workplaces are created for extroverts, leaving no choice for introverts.

The open office spaces help employers save space and cash, but they don’t help maintain a healthy company culture. Talk to your team to find out what they think about your office space. If you think your employees aren’t ready to speak with you honestly, consider holding a meeting like, “Introverts and extroverts in the workplace.”

Sure, you can provide each employee with a private room. However, if there are only two introverts in your team, try to give them more privacy. Introverts tend to perform better when they’re happy about the workplace they work in.

How to Build a Healthy Company Culture for Maximum Success

Healthy Company Culture tip #3: Care about your team

Okay, you’ve got a lot on your plate and your busy schedule drains you day by day. If you want a healthy culture for your company though, you should sincerely care about the people who are contributing to your success. Once in a while, ask your team members what’s both great and bad happening in their life. Make sure you don’t miss important events such as birthdays, childbirth, funerals, etc.

When you don’t care about your employees, it’s hard to build a healthy culture. Your selfishness is more likely to build a selfish culture where everyone cares about themselves only. Selfish culture lacks respect, empathy, productivity, and team spirit, so it can eventually lead to a total failure.

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