Never Stuck in the Office Stuff to Be a Great Leader
SEPTEMBER 09, 2016
Pressure from work is always available, and it is easy to feel down and expect the worst sometimes. However, if a manager fights the urge and keeps looking on the bright side, it will pay off—and the...
10 Incredibly Simple But Effective Employee Engagement Activities
JUNE 22, 2016
Do you wonder why Airbnb, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn have been on the Forbes's Top 10 Best Places to Work in recent consecutive years? It's not simply about high salaries, good benefits and cool...
4 Secrets of Effective Teamwork in Construction Projects
JANUARY 07, 2016
Effective teamwork is one of the most important factors for the success of every business in general and construction project in particular. As a leader, there are several actions you can take to...
Are Your Workers Zombies or Superheroes? And How to Survive Workplace Zombies (part 2)
DECEMBER 26, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
Are Your Workers Zombies or Superheroes? And How to Survive Workplace Zombies (part 1)
DECEMBER 19, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
Superheroes at Work, Do You Have Them in Your Organization?
DECEMBER 15, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
10 Practical Ways to Buy Employee Engagement without Money
NOVEMBER 10, 2015
Money isn’t everything, especially for employees who don’t consider money as the measure of happiness. Read below about how to buy your employee engagement without breaking the bank.
4 Practical Steps to Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance
OCTOBER 22, 2015
A lot of people spend a lifetime pursuing career success without realizing that it doesn’t necessarily guarantee a happy life until they retire. Work-life balance helps us to become healthier, enjoy...
How to Give a Speech That Will Boost the Morale of Your Employees
SEPTEMBER 19, 2015
Giving a speech to boost up your employee’s morale is never difficult if you follow those steps.
Hiring Improvement Tips: Listen to what candidates say behind your back
SEPTEMBER 09, 2015
79% of recruiters admit that the labor market nowadays is driven by candidates. Hiring manager is actually not the one who makes the decision in an interview, but candidates: How candidates show up...