The future of work depends on our “digital” body language
JUNE 13, 2023
When I call up Erica Dhawan, the author and business consultant, is surrounded by cardboard moving boxes. It was June 2022. She has just moved.
How to behave when asked as a reference in your CV?
JUNE 12, 2023
An employee who has left a job says that they are interviewing for a new job and would like to ask you to be a reference – a reference in their CV. Should you agree? And if you do, what should you...
4 valuable marketing lessons from top brands
JUNE 12, 2023
Big brands can have a lot of useful marketing lessons for your growing business.
Revealing how to give a good presentation to become a great manager
JUNE 12, 2023
Knowing how to present well and communicate well is an essential component of success in careers and management roles.
Recruiting former employees must be an effective form of recruitment?
JUNE 12, 2023
An excellent employee at your company is leaving to find a better job. Months later, you receive an email. Turns out the “journey” wasn’t so great and now the employee wants to come back. Do you hire...
What it actually takes to get R.O.I. from A.I.
JUNE 09, 2023
To get an R.O.I on A.I., business leaders need to take steps smartly and understand we’re in “The Between Times.”
11 universal truths that power world-changing research
JUNE 09, 2023
Whether you’re stranded on Mars or working in an office, science will be one of the last human activities that artificial intelligence replaces.
Want to be a better leader? Consider these two strategies.
JUNE 09, 2023
“It’s a delicate balance between autonomy and social support, but the answers are there if you ask—and keep asking.”
A new study reveals how to solve perhaps the single biggest problem for work leaders
JUNE 09, 2023
Ah, the “non-routine problem.” It’s arguably the single biggest type of problem one can run into at work. New research points to a solution.
Does your company have a community? Here’s why they’re magic.
JUNE 08, 2023
The swirl of reasons a customer joins a brand community can be measured, stress-tested, and ranked, but there’s another reason people join a community. It’s less science and more magic.