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Some Gantt chart examples for beginners

admin November 10, 2023

Gantt charts are trending both in business and other fields. However, this is probably still an unfamiliar term to many people when they first encounter it.

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Overview of Gantt chart?

What is a Gantt chart?  

A Grantt chart is a type of chart used to display an overview of work items and the estimated time to complete a task in a project.

The diagram includes two main parts. The vertical axis shows tasks and the horizontal axis shows the timeline for those tasks. So when you look at the Gantt chart, you know information about each task in your project.

Outstanding advantages of Gantt chart

  • Project control: This is essentially like a "template" of a project, making it easy for everyone from managers to employees to keep track of everything they need to get done on time. 
  • Overview information description: Displayed on a Gantt chart of the work plan will summarize the work stages that must be completed in order of priority.  
  • User-friendly design: These clear and intuitive layouts and information placement make it a popular and useful tool for planning, scheduling, and managing project progress . 

Some Gantt chart examples for beginners

Some sample Gantt chart examples

Here are some examples of practical applications of Gantt charts that you can refer to:

Project management
Project planning is the arrangement of tasks and division of tasks between relevant parties before starting to implement the project. Below is an example of a project progress management Gantt chart that helps break down work and activities by day. This will help save time and understand exactly what work needs to be completed during the day.

For projects no matter how big or small, the Gantt chart can help you. We just need to make a list of tasks with completion deadlines and then describe them on a diagram. Specifically, it should contain items such as:

  • Work items in the project 
  • Time to start work and time to complete 
  • The main person in charge carries out the work items 
  • Work depends.

Production plan

A typical Gantt chart example is a Gantt chart template for a complete production plan. To build this diagram, managers will have to master information about: production stages, implementers and how long it takes to complete each stage. Each stage needs to be separated by time. How long does it take or can the next implementation be done right after that...

Some Gantt chart examples for beginners

The Gantt chart in the production plan has specific items such as:

  • Production order 
  • Production activities depend 
  • Implementation status 
  • Production capacity 
  • Production order start and end time 
  • Implementer. 

Organize events

Event implementation work needs to be carefully planned and carried out according to a strict organizational process, so that the event can take place successfully and limit unexpected risks that can affect the event. for event.

If you are an event organizer, you must certainly have a headache in dividing the work and time for each task in the most reasonable way.  

  • Tasks to do to prepare for the event
  • Task recipient 
  • Completion time. 

Once you have a complete Gantt chart, event organization will run smoothly. Just by looking at the diagram, the organizing team will have an overview of event information as well as the tasks that need to be completed to bring about a successful program. 

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