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Top 6 Hacks to Boost Recruiter Productivity

admin May 02, 2024

Do you wish your day had more than 24 hours? We get it. With a shortage of skilled candidates, you need to really dig in to dig out the right talent for your open roles.

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#1 Hack to Boost Recruiter Productivity: Leverage HR tech

Through data analysis you’ll be able to pinpoint the flaws in your . But that isn’t enough, you also need to find solutions to the problems identified. Today, technology has taken a major leap and now there are multiple resources such as Applicant Tracking Systems that can help recruiters plug the loopholes in their recruiting strategies.
Leveraging HR tech for your hiring process is the right way to go about increasing your productivity.

#2 Hack to Boost Recruiter Productivity: Explore your existing resource pool

Instead of looking for new candidates for open roles, consider looking at your existing talent pool. Check whether there is talent available that matches your open role’s job description. This approach may save you a considerable amount of time, which you can use to focus on other important aspects of your job.

Top 6 Hacks to Boost Recruiter Productivity

#3 Hack to Boost Recruiter Productivity: Maintain an action list

Creating a daily to-do list goes a long way in making you productive. It’s a pretty straightforward approach to staying on track and getting more organized at work. There’s no correct way to create a to-do list. Whether you choose to go paperless or go the traditional way, the best action list is the one that works for you. Your to-do list should: Highlight your workload in order of priority. Most important tasks first and least important tasks at the bottom. Break down each of your to-do tasks into:What, When, How Long

#4 Hack to Boost Recruiter Productivity: Don’t multitask at the cost of quality

The quality of work may suffer if you choose to do multiple things at the same time. You may take pride in your multitasking skills, but you need to consider whether multitasking actually gives you the results you desire or if it’s compromising the quality of your work. It is actually better to do one thing at one time, focus your efforts and translate that into top quality work. The advantages are: Fewer mistakes and fewer things to fix.

Top 6 Hacks to Boost Recruiter Productivity

#5 Hack to Boost Recruiter Productivity: Revisit your recruiting workflows

Have a look at your recruiting workflow. Is it long? If the candidate has to go through more than 10 steps from application to hire it is a red flag and you are in the danger of losing the candidate. Not all open roles require exhaustive recruiting processes. The best thing to do is to create a customized workflow for each of the open roles you have. A concise workflow has the biggest impact on the candidate and is more likely to lead to a successful hire.

#6 Hack to Boost Recruiter Productivity: Make mobile recruiting part of your process

The talent you need to hire is available on mobile devices. Therefore, it’s high time that you incorporated mobile recruiting as a part of your hiring strategy for faster and productive hiring.

Your organization is as strong as its talent. These six techniques can help you and your recruiting team boost work productivity and bring in quality hires.

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