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What is Middle Manager? Strategy for capacity development of middle management team

admin November 14, 2022

Middle management is an important position in the organizational structure. Building a strong middle management team is the premise to develop a sustainable business. So what is a middle manager? What competencies does a middle manager need? How to improve the capacity of middle managers?

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What is Middle Manager? Strategy for capacity development of middle management team

I. What is Middle Manager?

Middle managers – Middle managers are managers at the middle level in the organizational structure. They operate under the leadership of the board of directors and senior managers, and are responsible for leading lower-level managers and followers. Mid-level managers are often in charge of a particular office, branch, or departmental division.

II. Portrait of a middle manager in an enterprise

1. The role of middle management Supporting senior management

Middle management is an effective right hand of senior leadership in communicating the vision, mission and implementing business strategy as well as operating the management system. Therefore, they are responsible for supporting superiors in implementing operational strategies and communicating instructions down to junior staff. In addition, middle managers are responsible for reporting to senior management on the operation status and work results in the department they are in charge of.

Management of junior staff

A middle manager is a person who directly leads and manages the activities of the lower level staff, including junior managers and employees. Their responsibility is to allocate work and guide the subordinates so that they properly perform their assigned tasks and achieve the set goals. They act as leaders, as well as mentors, to support employees to do their jobs most effectively. At the same time, middle managers are also responsible for performance as well as HR-related issues in their departments.

Bridge between employees and management

As mentioned above, middle management is an intermediary position between senior leadership and low-level management, they are responsible for receiving the strategic vision from the top management and concretizing it by planning and operate the management system to achieve the objectives.

The duty of the middle leaders is to carry out the instructions of the top management team and convey it to the first line managers to help the staff to be more productive high performance, while also recognizing obstacles to the original goal set.

2. Job Description of Middle Managers

After knowing what the role of middle managers is, it is necessary to develop a job description for this position to clearly define the main tasks and functions that middle managers undertake in the organization. office. The middle management position will perform the following main tasks:

- Make a process and develop a plan after receiving the company development strategy from senior management

- Monitor employee performance through reports of lower management

- Allocate work, divide work according to team

- Ensure common business processes and principles Inspire and motivate employees

- Solve internal problems that arise in the department

- Synthesize and generate ideas to improve employee productivity staff

- Monitor recruitment and staff training process

- Summarize results and report issues to senior management

3. Competency framework required of middle managers

Middle management is not an easy position because they have to work and connect with many people in the organization. So what are the competencies required of middle managers? In fact, a middle manager needs to be firmly equipped with professional skills and management skills to be able to perform his duties well.

Communication skills

Middle managers act as a bridge between employees and senior leaders. Therefore, communication skills need to be a top priority. Effective communication will help middle managers convey instructions from the leadership down to employees at all levels accurately and clearly.

At the same time, a middle-level manager who communicates well is a person who has the ability to "behave" who knows how to reconcile the interests and desires of employees and the will of the head. Communication skills require middle managers to have the ability to behave delicately and flexibly in all situations as well as the skills to listen, understand and read others.

Decision-making skills

The ability to make decisions is an important skill for boosting the performance of an organization. This is a skill built from the experience of the manager after the process of understanding, analyzing the situation and finally making the final decision. Decisions made by a leader must be accurate in a short time.

For middle managers who always have to deal with the unexpected with varying degrees of situations, but cannot report all the problems they are facing at the moment, making the right decisions of leaders will help their team solve problems and minimize mistakes at work. Along with that, middle managers will always receive the trust of subordinates and the respect of senior leaders.

Ability to motivate employees

Building motivation for employees is always the goal of leaders to help employees have more enthusiasm and responsibility at work. In addition to the skill of delegating work to lower-level managers, listening to employees' problems and satisfying their needs is the key to igniting motivation and building an effective system. Motivation skills require strategies such as: Treating fairly, inspiring and recognizing and rewarding work results.

Work organization skills

Mid-level managers receive tasks from senior leadership and allocate and coordinate personnel to achieve set goals. Therefore, they need to have work organization skills to be able to assign the right work to the right people and ensure the implementation schedule.

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