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What is occupational safety? The importance of occupational safety to businesses

admin March 13, 2023

To protect the rights of workers and limit risks for businesses, the labor safety law was born. So what is occupational safety?

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How important is occupational safety for workers and businesses? All these questions will be answered in the article below.

What is the concept of occupational safety?

When the country is on the way of development, it will promote the development of businesses, manufacturing plants... That will lead to the need for a large number of workers, and more and more working time. And to ensure the rights of employees, the labor safety law was born.

Occupational safety is a measure and method to help prevent as well as prevent accidents and incidents when working for employees, especially in unskilled labor as today. This helps to minimize and minimize injury and loss of life of workers and property for businesses.

What is occupational safety? The importance of occupational safety to businesses

The importance of occupational safety for workers and businesses

Occupational safety plays an important role for both workers and businesses, specifically:

For workers

When applying occupational safety, it will help protect the life and health of workers during the working process. Once well implemented occupational safety measures will help workers work with peace of mind, improve productivity and work efficiency.

For Businesses

When applying occupational safety, it will help businesses and factories of the company ... reduce and limit property damage caused by accidents. In addition, when enterprises apply strict occupational safety according to regulations, it will help businesses build credibility with employees. attract human resources to apply for jobs when recruiting enterprises.

At the same time, labor is an important factor in the economic development of the country. When applying occupational safety, it will help to minimize occupational accidents. Since then, the living standard of workers has been improved and the country has been developing day by day.

What happens if the business does not apply occupational safety?

Without applying occupational safety, employees must work in dangerous and toxic environments such as directly in contact with chemicals or work at high risk with accident risks. This will lead to long-term health consequences, even affecting workers' lives.

Once the enterprise does not guarantee the labor problem, the trust in the enterprise will be broken. It is difficult to attract talent as well as employees for those businesses. On the other hand, enterprises that do not ensure labor safety are also violating the provisions of the law.

Above is all the information about what is occupational safety as well as the importance of occupational safety. Hopefully this article has provided you with the most useful information, helping you to know your rights when working.

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