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What is ROS? What is a good ROS index?

admin August 13, 2024

“ What is ROS ?” is the question investors ask when considering the financial situation of a business. This business index provides information on how to manage profits while doing business.

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1. What is ROS?


Return on Sales (ROS) is an important indicator in business and finance. This indicator helps evaluate the performance of a business. ROS reflects the profit that a business earns from net revenue. This means that ROS indicates how much profit a business earns from each dollar of revenue.2. What is a good ROS index? The meaning of ROS on financial statements

ROS is usually expressed as a percentage (%). The higher this index, the more effective and profitable a business proves to be. ROS index Helps businesses evaluate their ability to convert revenue into profit. From there, businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of business and cost management strategies.

ROS calculation formula
ROS index shows the profitability of the business

When ROS is greater than 0, it means that the business is profitable. This shows that the business is able to control costs effectively, operates well and has growth potential.

Conversely, if the ROS is negative (less than 0), this indicates that the business is losing money. Operating costs are exceeding revenue. This is a warning sign that the business needs to adjust its business strategy or control costs better.


3. ROS calculation formula


The ROS (Return on Sales) index is an important financial metric, calculated by dividing after-tax profit by total revenue. The specific formula for calculating ROS is as follows:


ROS = (Profit after tax / Net revenue) X 100%


In there:

  • Net Revenue = Revenue from sales of products/services - Deductions​
  • Profit after tax = Profit before tax - Taxes


Profit before tax can also be calculated as follows:


  • Profit before tax = Total revenue - Fixed costs - Variable costs
ROS calculation formula
How to calculate ROS

According to the financial report, we have financial information for 2022:


  • Net Revenue: $31,686 million
  • Earnings before tax (EBIT): $5,752 million


Medtronic's ROS index calculation formula:


ROS = EBIT / Net Sales


⇒ ROS = 5,752 / 31,686 = 18.2%


⇒ Medtronic's ROS index = 18.2%


4. Ways to improve ROS index


The ROS (Return on Sales) index is an important measure reflecting the business performance of an enterprise, indicating the ratio of profit to net revenue. Enterprises can refer to and apply the following measures to improve the ROS index:


  • Fine-tune your pricing strategy: Adjusting your pricing helps increase revenue and improve profits. Businesses need to carefully research the market and customers to determine a reasonable price that reflects the true value of the product.
  • Improve product and service quality: Quality is always a key factor in retaining customers. By improving the quality of products and services, businesses can increase the average value of each order. At the same time, businesses can also reduce costs due to defective products or poor service.
  • Cost Reduction: Analyze manufacturing processes, supply chains, and operating costs. This is to find areas where costs can be reduced without compromising quality. This can help businesses increase their profit margins.
  • Focus on high-margin products/services: Identify and focus on the products or services that generate the highest profits. This helps optimize resources and increase return on sales.
  • Expanding your market: Growing your customer base can lead to higher sales volumes, even if your profit margins remain the same. This will help your business increase its overall profits and improve its ROS.
  • Optimize Marketing Spend: Make sure your marketing spend is working as expected. Businesses can use data-driven marketing strategies to ensure they are targeting the right customers.


The application of comprehensive business management software can play an important role in improving and optimizing ROS index. These software provide a unified management system, helping businesses monitor, analyze and adjust business activities, thereby increasing operational efficiency and optimizing profits. 

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