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5 recruiting tips from expert Seth Godin

admin February 15, 2023

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“Change is something that must be done as soon as possible. You only fail when you act too late.”

Nowadays, thanks to social networks and the latest technology applications in the field of recruitment, you will have many ways to promote your company. Of course, taking advantage of these new technologies means that your company must always adapt and change to keep up with the latest recruitment trends. Employers always have to step out of their comfort zone and ask themselves “what could we do differently?” and ready to experience many new things. Always remember that your competitors are all seizing opportunities and leveraging technology to attract more talent.

“When a brand cares about consumers, it becomes easier to love that brand.”

Treat candidates like you treat customers. Good customer service is always the best competitive advantage. Customers even share product experiences with their friends and relatives with brands treating them with sincerity.

Similarly, if a candidate has had a positive experience with your company during the hiring process, the likelihood of them continuing to apply for jobs, becoming a partner with your company, and sharing with other candidates about their accomplishments is likely to increase. This experience is inevitable.

“The job of marketing is to tell customers about your value and how it fits their needs, so that they are ready to buy your product”

What benefits can you tell candidates about working at your company? The more clearly you communicate with candidates – through social networks, intranets, and job search sites – the easier it will be for candidates to stay informed and interested in your company.

5 recruiting tips from expert Seth Godin

“Your company always has to find new customers, in addition to regularly share a lot of interesting information and connect with customers who want to stick with your company.”

Be upfront with the candidate about the company and its culture. Survey employees, candidates and key partners to determine the value of your company's brand in the hiring process. Only when you openly share with candidates can you find candidates that are suitable for your company and can stick with the company for a long time.

“Creating value through interaction is far more important than solving customer problems in the fastest time”

Recruiting isn't always about finding lots of resumes, it's about building relationships with potential candidates.

If there are good candidates applying directly on your company website, that's great. However, there will be many candidates who are interested in applying to your company but currently do not meet the recruitment requirements. You can keep in touch with them by inviting these candidates to join your company's talent network for future interactions, as this can be a potential human resource for the company. your company. Create a positive candidate experience so they'll want to apply later and also share the information with other potential candidates. From there, you can enhance the image of the company in the eyes of candidates.

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