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7 factors to help employees find happiness at work

admin March 15, 2023

Happiness at work, is this concept familiar to you? Most employers seem to think that money is the most important factor in job satisfaction. After all, people go to work also to make a living.

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Therefore, a competitive salary seems to be enough. However, there are more important things than money. There are many different factors that affect happiness at work.

1. A healthy working environment is the first step to help employees find happiness at work

Most of us spend a third of our day working. Therefore, it is important to provide a safe and healthy environment to work in. Here are important points that employers can consider to create a healthy workplace for employees:

1.1 Culture

Please create a friendly and safe environment. Where the business does not tolerate violence, harassment, vandalism and deception. This needs to be determined from the ground up when the business is just starting up. In addition, corporate culture is also a reflection of many people in the organization. Therefore, please invite people to contribute their opinions & perspectives. Each person has a point of view, and the business owner will be the final synthesizer.

1.2 Healthy competition

Competition at work is the right thing to do. This increases the productivity and motivation of each employee. However, outline the limits and ethical principles of competition. This is to avoid cases of unfair competition. This even contributes to preventing the lack of transparency between individuals at work.

1.3 Employee health

Health is the most important of the basic foundations of a healthy environment. There are many different factors in ensuring employee health.

In addition to providing only health benefits, you must also ensure that your workspace is clean and disinfected at all times. And above all, don't forget to consider the air quality in the workplace.

2. Don't forget Teambuilding activities also play an important role in helping employees find happiness at work.

Working with passion is one thing. But being able to work harmoniously with your colleagues is another. The moments of fun & bonding between colleagues are priceless. Teambuilding activities are the key to bringing people closer together. This doesn't have to be too big or grand. Just being organized enough to scale and make everyone feel comfortable is enough.

Here are a few ideas employers might consider:

2.1 Construction of a common room

Don't just install a couch, TV, game console with a few games. Make an effort to make this common room a place where employees truly feel relaxed. A small bookcase, a foosball table next to a coffee corner will be a great choice. You might also consider planting a few more plants. It has the effect of purifying the air, while creating a comfortable and gentle feeling for everyone.

2.2 Organize picnics together

After 1 quarter of business, you can deduct part of the profit to organize picnics. These can be short outings. Or more economical, it can be outdoor working sessions. At that time, everyone turned off all electronic devices. Just you, the staff and the words notepad and pen. Each person will discuss and write down their thoughts on a topic. This will stimulate each person's creativity. Thinking is also expanded beyond frameworks. It's not just about work anymore. It's time for everyone to be themselves.

7 factors to help employees find happiness at work

3. Good balance between work and life

Take care of employees' loved ones with supportive welfare policies. The health of the business is also the health of the employees' families. A competitive salary, combined with an unlimited number of days off (both sick and vacation) can be considered. This gives them resources to spend not just on work. It also allows employees to spend time with family, friends and personal passions. This helps them achieve a better work-life balance.

4. Empowering employees and raising their voices

Employees need to feel that they have an active role in their work and workplace decisions. Research from Globoforce shows that empowerment is important when it comes to 17% of the employee experience. They want their voices to be valued and weighted in the workplace.

Empowerment ensures that employees are active and inspirational participants in the workplace. This creates an environment of leadership and shared responsibility in place of traditional centralized command and control. Leaders need to remember: empowerment is trust. In order to successfully empower, you must first believe in your team.

5. Recognition

Recognition is an important factor in helping employees find happiness at work. This contributes to their increased productivity in the workplace. People love their work when they are appreciated and recognized for their efforts.

The opposite of recognition is criticism. In this case, controlling criticism is good. That's when, you need to have good EQ management skills. Emotional intelligence is also one of the important factors that shape a manager.

Remember, what you want to do is provide constructive feedback for them to improve their performance. That's how an elite leader pushes team performance to the top.

6. Growth opportunities

After helping your employees identify areas for improvement, give them plenty of room to grow. Businesses should open up a realistic career path for them. Please assist HR in determining a career progression path. At the same time, support them with courses and training sessions. Give them the knowledge & tools they need to learn.

7. Autonomy

Finally, after providing opportunities, tools, give them motivation. Autonomy is the last important thing that businesses need to direct their employees to. Everyone works at a different pace and we all have our own talents and strengths. Therefore, avoid excessive personnel control. In this situation, a good leader is a leader who can harmoniously combine two management styles: Empowerment & Leadership.

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