A comprehensive guide to employee referral programs
OCTOBER 04, 2023
Are you tired of sifting through stacks of resumes and battling against hiring delays? Employee referral programs might be the secret weapon to supercharge your recruitment process.
Crafting the ideal employee onboarding experience: A 6-step guide for recruiters
OCTOBER 04, 2023
Looking to craft an onboarding process that not only welcomes new hires but also convinces them to stick around?
10 ways to motivate employees, improve work performance
AUGUST 02, 2023
Motivating employees is a topic that many businesses are interested in to improve work efficiency
8 ways to effectively manage employees, promote business development
AUGUST 02, 2023
Effective employee management is an important factor in promoting the growth of a business. But with a workforce diverse in motivations, skills, and personalities, managing employees isn't always...
How to manage remote employees: Challenges and 5 secrets to success
AUGUST 01, 2023
With the development of information technology today, the form of working remotely has become a popular trend.
5 ways employee recognition programs help recruitment
JULY 10, 2023
Investing in employee recognition is one of the best ways to make your staff feel appreciated and valued at your company. This strategy can positively affect everything from job satisfaction to...
A comprehensive guide to employee referral programs
JULY 06, 2023
Are you tired of sifting through stacks of resumes and battling against hiring delays? Employee referral programs might be the secret weapon to supercharge your recruitment process. In fact,...
7 Strategies to Hire Employees During Labor Shortage
JUNE 16, 2023
If anything, the global impact of Coronavirus and the wave of the Great Resignation that followed has heightened the labor shortage situation.
Recruiting former employees must be an effective form of recruitment?
JUNE 12, 2023
An excellent employee at your company is leaving to find a better job. Months later, you receive an email. Turns out the “journey” wasn’t so great and now the employee wants to come back. Do you hire...
What is Horenso? Standard application and 3 practice scenarios
MAY 12, 2023
What is Horenso?? How to build Horenso effectively?