Ownership at Work: How to Get Your Employees to Care as Much as You
JANUARY 23, 2016
How can you get your workers to care as much as you? Ownership at work is indeed the issue that any companies, even Fortune 500 companies, can encounter every day.
Workplace Temperature Is No.1 Cause of Unhappiness Among Your Employees, Backed up by Survey
JANUARY 16, 2016
“It’s too hot” versus “It’s too cold” seems to be an endless battle at workplace. 7 out of 10 workers in a poll say they are unhappy with the climate at their workplace, making the workplace...
How to Manage Conflict Among Employees
DECEMBER 31, 2015
When people work together, conflict is inevitable. Employee dispute is not always bad thing if the leader can handle it well before it escalates to big war in the whole team or organization.
Lunch Breaks at Work: One Hour or Half Hour Is Optimum to Benefit Organization and Workers?
DECEMBER 29, 2015
The lunch break time is often a source of heated disagreement for many. Whilst for some companies, it is one hour, others have half-hour lunch policy, and for the unlucky few, it may mean eating and...
Are Your Workers Zombies or Superheroes? And How to Survive Workplace Zombies (part 2)
DECEMBER 26, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
Are Your Workers Zombies or Superheroes? And How to Survive Workplace Zombies (part 1)
DECEMBER 19, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
Superheroes at Work, Do You Have Them in Your Organization?
DECEMBER 15, 2015
Who are the workplace heroes, who are the dead people at work? Team leaders in your organization are required to categorize their members well and know how to deal with the zombie attack and boost...
IQ vs. EQ: which is more important in career success?
NOVEMBER 19, 2015
We used to believe that high intelligence quotient (IQ) people always succeed at their career. However, only high IQ doesn’t guarantee career success. A lot of researches indicate that leaders and...
Having fun at work – an efficient management method
OCTOBER 21, 2015
In the manager position, you can’t ignore building a fresh, fun environment for employees, because the more they feel comfortable, the harder they will work.
How to Give a Speech That Will Boost the Morale of Your Employees
SEPTEMBER 19, 2015
Giving a speech to boost up your employee’s morale is never difficult if you follow those steps.