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Why do good employees leave?

admin February 15, 2023

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Lack of trust

Hiring an employee shows that the employer has a certain confidence in their abilities. If the boss always interferes in the work of the employees and questions even the smallest things, the employees will be very upset and do not have the opportunity to express their self-worth and contribution to the company.

Strong leaders should empower employees to be self-reliant and dedicated to the better interests of the business. Struggling for power not only contradicts a common purpose and contributes to a toxic work environment. Employees will quit when they feel untrusted.

No career development opportunities

People no longer want to do the same job day in and day out. They want to feel like they are learning, progressing in their careers. Every employee wants to be trained and educated so that they can develop their skills and experience. They want to grow within the organization they work for and have something to give them credit for their years of hard work.

If a job does not have the opportunity for career development, diversity and excitement, to be challenged with new things, it is more likely that employees will quit and look for greener fields with opportunities.

Employee labor exploitation

Working more than 50 hours a week is not productive. No employee wants to be exhausted. No matter how good employees are, they can't achieve good work performance if the work piles up. If employees have to take on more work, the boss must reward them with a promotion, raise, or a better work environment. Otherwise, employees will always feel like "slaves" and leaving is inevitable.

Why do good employees leave?

No recognition, no reward

Employees don't always expect an immediate promotion when they make a contribution to the company. Sometimes all it takes is a word of thanks or recognition for the effort they've put in. It doesn't have to be a golden trophy or a big bonus, but it can go a long way in motivating employees. If you are never thanked or recognized at work, you may feel invisible and worthless. Deciding to quit may be the easiest one.

Promoted the wrong person

Some workplaces have a culture of promoting the wrong people. There's a saying: Good bosses don't hire people smarter than them. This will happen when the boss has a big ego and feels threatened by anyone smarter and more capable than him. And it will happen that those who show submission more than creativity will be encouraged and rewarded. This is aimed at protecting the power system rather than developing a system of efficient, competent and professional staff. This also means that the business has paved the way for good employees to leave.

Be a good manager before you want to manage good employees!

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