Why Multi-Project Management Is Becoming a Necessity
NOVEMBER 15, 2023
As companies expand, they have more and more projects in progress at the same time. This trend has led to the rise of the multi-project management role. Efficient orchestration of simultaneous...
Expert Advice: How to Build an Effective Team
NOVEMBER 15, 2023
The first thing to remember, and never doubt, is that your team is your power. Read further to learn how to lead your people in the most effective way to fulfill their potential and keep them...
Managing Resources in a Multi-Project Environment: Common Challenges and Ways to Solve Them
NOVEMBER 14, 2023
Efficient resource management is at the heart of the efficient delivery of multiple concurrent projects and business performance in general. At the same time, in a multi-project environment, it can...
Hiring Extra Employees vs. Adopting a Resource Management Solution: Сhoosing the Right Investment
NOVEMBER 14, 2023
When a company needs to deliver more orders, it may seem natural to hire more resources to fulfill the increasing demand. At the same time, such a decision has its disadvantages – onboarding a new...
Top 10 Management Skills That Help You Succeed as a Project Manager
NOVEMBER 14, 2023
A project manager’s expertise is one of the essential prerequisites that determine success of a project delivery. Their responsibilities involve such activities as conducting meetings (e.g. project...
What Is a Resource Management Solution and Why Do You Need One?
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
Poor resource management and a lack of appropriate software are on the list of the biggest project management challenges, as stated by the Wellingtone report on the state of project management. So,...
Schedule Conflicts: Their Causes and Ways to Prevent Them
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
Schedule conflicts belong to the typical challenges of managing multiple projects with a shared resource pool. For example, the activities team members participate in can overlap or it can turn out...
How to Improve Operational Efficiency in Project-Based Organizations
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
In the present-day turbulent economic situation, cost optimization has become one of the top priorities for business organizations. Among other things, this can be achieved by improving a company’s...
How to Prevent Project Failure in Multi-Project Management: Useful Tips
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
How can you ensure the successful completion of all projects in your pipeline? To be sure that none of the initiatives will fail and your project management efforts will be crowned with the desired...
Scrum artifacts: Key elements for transparency and adaptation
NOVEMBER 10, 2023
Scrum artifacts provide clear visibility into project progress, facilitate inspection and adjustment, and ultimately contribute to project success. In this blog post, we'll dive deeper into the world...