3 Things I Wish I Did When I Started My Career as a Project Manager
DECEMBER 08, 2023
In no way am I saying that I would take back the mistakes that I’ve made. I’ve learned so much from each and every one of them. But I am hoping that there will be something on this list that will...
Managing Deadlines Made Easy: The Unrivaled Guide to Delivering Projects on Time
DECEMBER 08, 2023
Creativity thrives within parameters and the most important parameter is time. The presence of a deadline forces us to trust our instincts and become more efficient with how we manage it.
How to Solve the Fixed Scope, Fixed Date Commitment Paradox
DECEMBER 08, 2023
For some, the daily call is a tool for collaborative productivity; for others, it’s yet another meeting that takes time away from what they really should be working on.
What to Do When Your Key Employee Resigns?
DECEMBER 07, 2023
It may have already happened to you or it is just about to happen. Remember, you should not take it personally. The most important thing now is to learn how to protect your business from the...
What Is FIFO Method and How to Use It to Deliver on Your Commitments
DECEMBER 07, 2023
Did you know that almost one-third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted every year? For many of us, food waste has become a habit: buying more food than we need, letting fruits and...
I Had to Say “No” to Relieve the Stress in My Workplace
DECEMBER 07, 2023
There is a simple way to eliminate the stress in your workplace and create a new narrative around how you manage your work.
How to Make Accurate Time Estimates in Just a Couple of Minutes
DECEMBER 07, 2023
Even though it’s super simple, this exercise will have you making data-driven time estimates in literally no time.
Why You’ll Struggle to Achieve Optimal Business Outcomes Unless You Stop Comparing Teams’ Performance
DECEMBER 06, 2023
Within some Olympic teams, there will be a sense of rivalry between the athletes. But, in general, it’s far more likely that they will feel connected and supportive of each other because they share a...
The True Purpose Of Story Splitting
DECEMBER 06, 2023
Story splitting is a widely spread activity that enables teams to deliver results quickly and efficiently. Still, it doesn’t come without its challenges. The concept of story splitting can be really...
The Flaw of Tracking Individual Performance
DECEMBER 06, 2023
What you measure shows what you value! If we’re measuring individual performance, that clearly indicates to each person in the team that we value individual performance. If your team members think...