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Tips to help businesses build a recruitment brand

admin March 07, 2023

If you want more talent to come to you, consider how the following factors affect employer branding.

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1. Clearly show all benefits to employees

Try reviewing job descriptions, HR documents, or job postings and see if the company has adequately covered key employee benefits. For example: companies pay employees to attend training courses, even cut their working hours to help them attend classes, companies help employees find accommodation or organize vacations. for staff. All of these benefits are valuable to candidates, but you don't mention them.

2. Employees become “brand ambassadors”

When current employees become "brand ambassadors" for the company, it also means that recruitment through referrals will increase. The better employees speak, positive comments about the company, the more opportunities you have to work with better candidates. And conversely, disgruntled employees, that will never happen. Therefore, branding is not only done on the outside but also needs to be done well on the inside first.

Employees who work for strong brands are often more excited and motivated. A positive employee attitude is a great asset to an employer, as it helps employees to be more productive, more efficient, and contributes to the growth of the business.

Tips to help businesses build a recruitment brand

This also leads to better business results and contributes to financial stability for the company – which makes the business more attractive to potential candidates.

If the business does not build a strong recruitment brand, talented candidates will not realize the distinct benefits that the business brings to employees. Moreover, employees also do not feel safe and want to stay with the company for a long time.

Imagine a situation where a potential candidate might turn down an offer from a company because they didn't find the benefits they needed. It is possible that this business also has many benefits for employees but has not emphasized or mentioned specifically.

3. Build and share company culture

To attract top talent, you need to offer a different experience than other companies. Any company can offer a job, but very few offer a work culture that makes everyone aspire. The company's human resources department needs to use the great, different points in the company's culture to build the employer's brand image.

And the staff themselves also contribute to building the company's brand. Make them love the workplace and the job, and then the good things about the company will spread. If the company organizes interesting and interesting events, do not forget to save beautiful images and post them on blogs or social networks.

4. Attractive recruitment content

Don't post your job posting as unattractive as a long list of skills and experience requirements. Make the recruitment information more attractive and lively. Posting a job posting with a video introducing both the company and the environment is also a good idea. According to the survey, a video job posting is 34% more attractive than a written job advertisement. Don't miss out on a talented candidate just because the content isn't engaging.

Recruitment branding is a prominent recruitment trend in recent years, helping businesses attract talent and recruit top candidates. Take the time to evaluate the factors involved in brand building and management that can help you beat your competition.

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