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What is 5S? 5 steps to successfully implement the 5S model for your business

admin August 05, 2024

What is 5S? The 5S model focuses on putting everything in the right place, helping to create a clean, convenient, efficient and safe working environment. So what exactly is 5S? How can you apply the 5S model in your business?

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1. What is 5S?

5S is a popular productivity improvement model in Japan and many other countries. 5S is an acronym for the first letters of the Japanese words SERI (Sort), SEITON (Set in order), SEISO (Shine), SEIKETSU (Standardize), SHITSUKE (Sustain).

This is one of the sharp tools of Lean Manufacturing. Each S represents a part of a five-step process that can improve the overall functionality of a business. Specifically, the 5S model process is summarized as follows:

SERIES  Screening Sort and remove unnecessary items in the work area.
SEITON Arrange Arrange necessary items scientifically and reasonably.



Clean and sanitize work areas regularly.


Take care

Maintain and repeat the implementation of 5S activities continuously.



Practice the habit and spirit of self-awareness in implementing 5S.

What is 5s?What is 5s?

1.1. SERI (Screening)

The first step of 5S is “Sort”. It involves looking at all the tools, furniture, materials, equipment, etc. in a work area to determine what is necessary and what can be eliminated. S1 is usually conducted on a regular basis. You can easily eliminate unnecessary things that may hinder work/occupy your workspace by finding answers to the following questions:

What is the purpose of this item?

 When was this item last used?

Is this item used regularly?

 Who is the user?

Does this item really need to be placed here?

1.2 SEITON (Arrange) 

Once you have all the clutter out of the way, it becomes easier to “Put” things in “order,” also known as “Systematic Organization.” The goal of this step is to organize your work area. Everything should be easy to find, use, and return: a place for everything, and everything in its place, with clear identification. S2 is an activity that must be strictly followed.​


1.3 SEISO (Cleanliness)


The third step in the 5S process, called “Shine,” plays a key role in maintaining an efficient and safe work environment. After clearing and organizing the space through the first two steps, “Shine” focuses on removing dirt, debris, and other contaminants. 

This not only helps to remove what has accumulated in the past, but also prevents their reappearance in the future. “Shine” should be performed periodically by all individuals, including cleaning their work areas and the equipment they use.


1.4 SEIKETSU (Care)


The first three steps in the 5S process - Sort, Set in Order and Shine - bring clear and short-term benefits, creating the premise for long-term change and development in the organization. However, to ensure sustainable effectiveness, a fourth step is necessary: ​​Care. 

Care is understood as the periodic maintenance and standardization of the first three steps in a systematic manner. Care plays a key role in ensuring that the achievements in the previous three steps are not wasted and continue to be promoted.

Therefore, to ensure that 3S is maintained, it is necessary to establish standard regulations, clearly stating the scope, 3S responsibilities of each individual, the method and frequency of implementing 3S at each position. S4 will pave the way for long-term change and development in the organization.


1.5 SHITSUKE (Ready) 


The fifth step of the 5S program is readiness. Readiness is demonstrated in the employees' self-awareness of 5S activities. All members are clearly aware of the importance of 5S, self-aware and proactive in smoothly integrating 5S standards with work. Making 5S a long-term program, in the long run 5S becomes part of the organizational culture and brings positive changes to the business.

>>>> See more:  What is Kaizen ? How to apply Kaizen effectively

2. Why should businesses apply the 5S model?

5S is an effective program to mobilize people, improve the working environment and increase labor productivity. We can easily see the benefits that 5S brings such as:

  • Create a clean, airy work environment, with everything where it needs to be.
  • Better use of time: Managing employees’ time effectively is an important factor in business. The 5S model in business will help employees spend less time searching and retrieving what they need and instead can work more efficiently.
  • Less wasted space - Eliminate unnecessary material stockpiles and free up space for useful applications. Every square foot of floor space costs money and making the most of that investment will maximize your facility's profits.
  • Reduce Injury Rates - Organizing work areas efficiently and regularly clearing away spills will eliminate potential trip hazards.
What is 5s?5S model helps create a favorable working environment
  • Reduced Equipment Downtime - When tools and equipment are kept clean, inspected regularly, and used in a standardized manner, preventative maintenance is much easier and major failures can often be prevented altogether.
  • Standardize work processes: by minimizing variations and mistakes, overall productivity can be significantly improved.
  • Improved Employee Morale - When 5S principles are used effectively, employees feel that their input is valued and their performance is recognized. This creates an environment where employees can feel good about their work and take an interest in improving the company.

Besides the significant benefits, this model still has certain disadvantages:

  • Restrictive state: Sometimes employees will feel that implementing these principles is forced, constrained within a pattern, leading to a state of forced and coping implementation.
  • Difficult to evaluate objectively: Because the criteria are built quantitatively, the evaluation will depend on an objective perspective and not on qualitative factors and specific evaluation criteria.
  • Training employees to implement 5S is very important, so businesses need a knowledgeable, reputable person to communicate and guide.

Each model will have its own advantages and disadvantages. If businesses are clearly aware of this, it will help businesses optimize the benefits and take measures to minimize the disadvantages.

3. Steps to apply 5S to Business

Step 1: Make an action plan


  • To start implementing a 5S program, managers need to develop a specific action plan and roadmap. All participating members must master the content of the 5S program to apply it to daily work at the workplace.
  • 5S content can be included in the criteria for evaluating emulation and rewards for individuals and implementing units.
  • Establish a 5S team to direct and supervise the implementation process.


Step 2: Launch the program

  • Inform all stakeholders about the meaning and content of the 5S program.
  • Define expectations and desired outcomes of a 5S system.
  • Training and implementation guidance.

Step 3: Implement 5S


  • Follow the 5S process: Seiri (Sort) - Seiton (Set in order) - Seiso (Shine) - Seiketsu (Standardize) - Shitsuke (Sustain).

Step 4: Repeat the action

  • Mark the results and continue doing S1, S2, S3 daily.
  • Compare actual performance with initial expected results.


Step 5: Periodic assessment


  • Regularly provide feedback on 5S implementation.
  • Organize weekly 5S assessments: cross-assessment between departments to ensure compliance with 5S standards.
  • Measure the results of implementation so that the Board of Directors can give timely directives.

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