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5 mistakes kill your chances of promotion

admin March 16, 2015

If you want to have a big opportunity to be promoted in your career, ignore these 5 mistakes which have been summarized by Vietnam Manpower

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1. Cocky
The fastest way makes you fail at having an advance salary is cocky behavior.


Cocky manner will blow off your chances

Even if you are doing so well with your work, but just at the level where you completed what you were asked to do and no more, it is hard for you to compete with others colleagues. According to job specialists, an employee who just focuses on responsibility in job description is hardly success in career.

The managers is not highly estimate for those satisfying and only concentrating on finishing their job without willing to help others or taking part in common activities in company

2. 180 degree turn
Changing is good but if you “jump” into a totally new industry, it will be a huge affection to your successful way. Cause it’s like a message that you still unsure about what you want or you are short of specialized knowledge, skills to go far in that field.
3. Not entrust your works.


Do not do everything by yourself
You take all the responsible without distributing the mission to members of the group and you think there is no other could make it better than you?
Chuck Fried, Chairman and CEO of TXMQ, said that he hardly promote for a person who has believed he/she is the best and no one could replace. He also suggests the managers should hire the smart, talent people having abilities in easily taking over other mission.
4. Listless


Bring your passion back
When you are a new hired, you are full of energy and excitement. You are eager to do all assigned job. However, the time passed by, your disengagement in work gradually replaces for enthusiasm at first.
These staffs usually don’t care about company’s activities. They just only care about how to have a job and salary more than a career. Once you lose your passion, it is difficult to have a bright career.
5. Change your job constantly
It is accepted if you change your job for a better position, but to a certain limit, it is not that simple anymore. After every 2 years, you do another job for example, or 3 or 4 years for another field, seriously you look like a “homeless” person. Your loyalty and abilities will be doubt, because in this economy situation, most recruiters want a candidate who will attach to the company for a long time.

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