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5 ways to protect the health of office workers

admin March 06, 2023

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1. Sit in the right posture

To sit in the right posture, you need to choose the right chair, place the computer in the correct position to ensure the distance between your eyes and the screen. Adjust in the following way:

Choose the right seat

You should choose a chair so that your feet are flat on the floor and the backrest ensures that your back is straight. Because sitting for a long time, you will feel tired and back pain, if the situation persists, it will seriously affect your health.

Computer location

Place your computer so you can type comfortably. The keys should not be too hard, make sure you don't use too much force. The elbow when working should be adjusted at a 90-degree angle, the wrist position should be as straight and natural as possible. You should adjust the computer screen to a height that is comfortable for your eyes so that you can look straight ahead, your head and try to stay in a natural position.

2. Don't sit for too long

During work, you should get up and walk at least every 2 hours to avoid diseases of the spine, arthritis, etc. According to Dr. Robert Graham - Health Care Director for Northwell Health System of New York (USA) said that moving is not only good for the body, but also can increase productivity and ability to focus on work.

Taking breaks several times a day is the way to better productivity and efficiency. After every working hour, you should spend 5-10 minutes to rest and stretch your muscles, go get water ... this is a way to relieve stress and help your mind be more flexible.

5 ways to protect the health of office workers

3. Stretching

Stretching not only relaxes the body, but also stimulates blood circulation and warms up the muscles. How to stretch the muscles as follows:

Neck: Close your eyes and end your head, bringing your chin close to your face. Start rotating your neck very slowly, try to relax and relax your shoulders, rotating each way from 3 to 5 times.

Wrist: Rotate your wrist 6-8 times regularly every day to help you prevent wrist fractures. Rotate 10 rounds clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Back: Touch the edge of the table with your hands and slowly push the chair back until your head is between your arms, eyes looking down at the floor. Slowly pull yourself closer to the table and repeat 15 times.

Legs: Grasp the seat with your hands and balance, bring your legs straight forward parallel to the floor. Extend and bend your toes 15 times in turn.

In addition, you can do a few stretching movements in place such as: Raise your hands to the sky, interlock your hands and stretch them up or tilt to the left, to the right.

4. Eye protection

The job of "office people" is to sit a lot in front of the computer, so you need to protect your eyes. You can use artificial tears, adjust the light, screen angle, font size or text color ... appropriate to minimize harmful agents that can affect the eyes.

5. On-site entertainment

Although it is not easy to relieve work pressure, there are still many ways to reduce stress by going for a walk, listening to music, planting bonsai, etc.

Working 8 hours a day, if you don't know how to protect your health, you can get dangerous diseases. Hopefully with the above 5 ways can help you keep good health to work better.

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