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"Follow Your Passion" isn’t a Good Career Advice

admin August 06, 2015

You have heard a lot and been advised of ‘following your passion’. That motivation sometimes turns out to be bad advice, making you bush around what you love doing and what you are doing, and end up being on the wrong track.

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Instead, cultivating your passion will help make your stress-free, meaningful work!

Most passions fail to match paying careers


For Some people when they think about following their passion with their career,

often it ends with the money. “Can't make enough money at that"

You are passionate about dancing though, your current conditions, your ability, and others don’t support that passion. Your family and beloved ones are your passion; still, there isn’t much space in the job market for those things. Obviously, they are just-so-beautiful passions, and often times, the best option is to look for a career that roots for you enough to follow those passions outside of your work.

It’s not that everyone has pre-existent passion

‘Follow your passion’ means you have pre-existent passion, and if you match it to your job, you will love that job. That seems uncomplicated, but otherwise. People often do not have pre-existent passions. As per the study on manpower satisfaction at workplace, people enjoy their work for more subtle reasons than that it lines up with their interests.


There are people who don't have pre-existent passions

Cultivate your passion instead

While ‘follow’ means you find out the passion before matching it to a job, ‘cultivate’ means you build your passion along the way you work. The later process is considered longer though, it can be more rewarding. You will need become a craftsman in your work. Refining your ability, and then making use of your value and shape your work life towards the lifestyle type resonant with you.


Excitement vs. True passion

There are times you find yourself being excited over an idea, but run out of steam quickly and lose momentum to dive into that idea. 

If so, that is not the true passion, but excitement instead. The excitement about a specific idea is often different from the deep passion that motivates you to a fulfilling and rewarding career. Whilst your excitement would come and leave, your true passion would arise after you putting in long hours to become a real craftsman in your field, and then make use of this value to attain autonomy, be respected, and pull off your occupational destiny.

How to find my true passion?

There is none of special passion awaiting you to discover. Instead, it’s something cultivated. Your passion can be cultivated in multitude fields. Thus, to say that you don’t know what your passion is doesn’t make sense. It would add up to say that you haven’t cultivated one passion yet; you should scope down things to focus on and start that cultivating process.

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