Are you a good boss or bad boss?
JANUARY 28, 2015
An aggressive, selfish personality can help you "climb" on the career ladder, but prevent you from building enthusiasm and loyalty of a staff.
3 questions for low-productivity employees
JANUARY 23, 2015
Asking questions is one of the most effective methods but it seems that there are not many HR managers used. The questions always push employees to think more, and reveal how they think and their...
We don’t care where you have studied!
JANUARY 21, 2015
Have you ever done an interview in a meal? Breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea, all are great because employers will have plenty of time to observe future employees outside their office.
7 great ways to improve employee productivity
JANUARY 19, 2015
Every company wants to raise labor productivity. But how often do they review their management methods?
6 secrets to conquer young generation for employers
JANUARY 14, 2015
Have you been tired of dealing with all the problems in the office cause of the young employees? Lesley Jane Seymour, experienced editor of Meredith publisher said employers should keep in mind the...
The skills required for a job in 2015
JANUARY 12, 2015
Perhaps the time has passed when Bachelor's degree is a "ticket" to bring you a good job with an advancement opportunities open. Maybe your school name will make employers have more attention to you,...
Employers choose attitude or experience?
JANUARY 05, 2015
It is believed that more than 90% of employers will choose you because you have work experience. As a matter of fact, the employers have tendency to select candidates with good working attitude more...
5 recruitment trends in new year
DECEMBER 24, 2014
Explosion of technology gives users a chance to shorten the distance. Job seekers and employers now have more implications. Employers tend to use social networks, mobile networks to find candidates.