Tips for the successful business in Asia
SEPTEMBER 30, 2015
Asia with its fast economic development is becoming a favorite and potential investment destination of many entrepreneurs and institutions
Employee motivation isn’t always good
SEPTEMBER 28, 2015
Employee motivation is important to encourage employees to perform their best. Still, wrong motivation can bring out negative effects on your employees and your business. That’s why to understand...
“Job rotation” – A cheap and useful recruitment method
SEPTEMBER 21, 2015
Working at the same spot and doing the same mission every day will make even the best employees feel bored, discourage and decide to lay off. Many experts in Human resources indicated that employee...
How to Give a Speech That Will Boost the Morale of Your Employees
SEPTEMBER 19, 2015
Giving a speech to boost up your employee’s morale is never difficult if you follow those steps.
Work Stress Most Likely to Cause Your Employee’s Memory Loss
SEPTEMBER 18, 2015
Work stress may have a significant impact on your employees’ memory loss, worsening their work performance and risking your business. That’s why to prevent and cure it is a must.
How to Optimize Time to Hire without Sacrificing Quality of Hire
SEPTEMBER 16, 2015
It is critical to optimize the trade-off between hiring time and quality of hire. Read more below to learn about the optimal solution suggested.
The creative job recruitment ads to inspire you
SEPTEMBER 15, 2015
To attract the best employees, the first thing to do is making them be attracted by your company. Your job description is listing down candidate's missions and job requirement? It would be true if...
Best destinations to work oversea for expat
SEPTEMBER 12, 2015
Who doesn’t love being paid to travel? Most of us at least once used to think of quitting everything and going to live abroad. Choosing a suitable destination for your personality and job opportunity...
Are job references still reliable?
SEPTEMBER 10, 2015
In this digital age, job references are not completely reliable. It is critical for recruiters and hiring managers to figure out what is relevant and seek out the right people.
Hiring Improvement Tips: Listen to what candidates say behind your back
SEPTEMBER 09, 2015
79% of recruiters admit that the labor market nowadays is driven by candidates. Hiring manager is actually not the one who makes the decision in an interview, but candidates: How candidates show up...