8 Must-have Qualities of Good Truck Drivers
APRIL 27, 2016
The rising demand on logistics and transportation services creates more and more jobs for truck drivers all over the world. If you are seeking truckers for your business, considers these following...
10 Typical Qualities of Vietnam Oil & Gas Workers Today
APRIL 20, 2016
Oil and gas, undeniably, is one of most precious natural resources in any country that owned it. Vietnam is one of the luckiest to have resourceful oil and gas. But how this sector grows and develops...
Be Careful with These Pitfalls If You Consider to Hire Foreign Employees
APRIL 13, 2016
We have already talked about how bad it is if making a wrong recruitment decision: financial risk, wasted time, ruined company reputation, and more. But it’s definitely not the end when entering the...
What to Look for When Hiring an Electrician?
APRIL 09, 2016
Electrician is a high-risk job which requires certain qualities and personal traits to handle the job well. When you seek electricians for your business, take into account these following things that...
Insight into Vietnam Oil and Gas Sector – An Important Step to Manpower Recruitment
APRIL 06, 2016
Oil and gas plays an important role in the global economics generally and Vietnam’s particularly. Aside from its economic benefits, it is the vital energy in daily life, engages a large number of...
Vietnam Workforce Has Nothing beyond Comparative Advantage of Low Cost?
APRIL 03, 2016
Vietnam is a preferred destination for businesses to move operations from other production bases mostly thanks to its comparative advantage of low labor cost. However, low cost is not the only...
Want to Work Effectively with Mass Recruitment Agency? Do These 12 Things!
MARCH 30, 2016
Many clients have no good experience working with mass recruitment agencies. These agencies over promise, financially cheat the blue collar workers, etc. The wrong choice of recruitment agency leads...
6 Reasons You Should Hire Vietnamese Workers for Your Production Lines
MARCH 26, 2016
Vietnam is an emerging tiger in Asia as a new manufacturing powerhouse and an attractive destination for foreign investment in recent years. Apart from its rapid but stable economic growth, Vietnam's...
How to Recruit Skilled and Unskilled Labor in Vietnam with More Ease
MARCH 23, 2016
The demand for workers in Vietnam is growing rapidly as a result of more enterprises expanding their businesses in this energetic market. While there are many foreign companies successfully hiring...
How to Effectively Manage Cultural Diversity at Workplace in Hospitality Industry
MARCH 19, 2016
Continued globalization of hospitality industry and an increasing influx of migrant workers into the hospitality companies make it necessary to effectively manage cultural diversity at workplace in...