Human resource management experience from leading experts
DECEMBER 07, 2022
In previous articles, we have learned together about effective human resource management methods and methods.
Develop criteria for evaluating employee performance effectively
DECEMBER 06, 2022
Employees are one of the important input factors in the company, the quality of the staff directly determines the development of the company. Therefore, the performance evaluation of employees is an...
The method of exceeding recruitment KPI for HR is simple and effective
DECEMBER 01, 2022
The use of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) to evaluate the performance of each department, department as well as measure the operational efficiency of the entire company is no longer strange, and...
What is MRR? 5 steps to optimize ARR and MRR to help companies maximize profits
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Measuring company performance is a monthly or annual activity that plays an essential role for every company. In which, ARR and MRR are the two most important indicators that need to be measured...
9 Ways to Manage Low-Performing Employees
NOVEMBER 25, 2022
Uncommitted, distracted, and inefficient employees are always at risk of losing the vitality of any company. Under good management, employees will become the biggest asset to the company. On the...
Mistakes to watch out for in the recruitment process!
NOVEMBER 24, 2022
It can be said that human resources are the most important and valuable resource of any company. Therefore, the recruitment of personnel is a prerequisite action to be able to build a good foundation...
11 most effective recruitment skills for HR
NOVEMBER 23, 2022
Recruitment skills are always changing in the digital environment. With the help of technology, HR needs to hone new skills. From there, improve work efficiency and increase candidate quality.
What is a contract of principle? Notes when signing a contract in principle you need to know
NOVEMBER 17, 2022
Principle contracts are commonly used in commercial activities, but many people are still quite unfamiliar with this type of contract. So what is a contract of principle? What are the most popular...
Top 9 HR situations and the most effective solutions for managers
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
Solving the problem of keeping employees together is never easy for leaders or managers. Handling if not skillful, not transparent can lead to negative consequences for the personnel apparatus,...