The Real Cost of Employee Turnover You May Never Think About
OCTOBER 24, 2019
Employees join and leave companies as a fact of life. However, when it comes to high staff turnover, it may harm your business much more than you can imagine.
Romania: Hiring foreign workers as short-term solution
APRIL 28, 2020
The need for hiring foreign workers in Romania is now higher than ever. Labor Minister Vasilescu said: “If there are 12,000 IT graduates tomorrow, they will be absorbed by the market by next week!”
7 Ways to Drive Great Candidates Away
AUGUST 09, 2017
Recruiting is always easier said than done. It's time to stop blaming for skills shortage and revise your own hiring practices that drive good candidates away!
12 Leadership Lessons from Thought Leaders
JULY 26, 2017
Leadership is not management or direction. More than that, it is about the ability to inspire, empower people to contribute their best toward the common goals. There are so many styles of leadership,...
6 Key Recruiting Trends to Keep in Mind for 2017
JULY 19, 2017
The recruiting and staffing industry worldwide has seen a massive transition of recruiting practices in recent years. In today's blog, we will deliver a digest of the recent research findings to give...
5 Ultimate Guides to Decide Who Deserves to Be Promoted
JUNE 14, 2017
A great leader always wants his/her employees to succeed and move up the career ladder. To do that, he/she needs to be on the lookout for signs that they’re ready to be promoted. It’s, of course,...
Are You Hiring for Culture Fit or Your Own Personal Bias?
MARCH 08, 2017
Hiring for culture fit is not a new but controversial practice in the recruiting and staffing industry. There’s no denying that culture fit can bring a lot of benefits to the organization but many...
Why Punishment Is Not the Best Solution at Workplace
JANUARY 11, 2017
As a business owner, you can boost your own productivity and motivate your employees by setting consequences, but does it really work like the way you want?
Top Resolutions for Your Possible New Year
DECEMBER 21, 2016
As the New Year is coming, people everywhere are making their own personal resolutions. As HR professionals, there are many aspects of the workplace HR is responsible for and the role of HR seems to...
Doing Exercises - One of Great Ways to Enhance Work Performance
NOVEMBER 16, 2016
Research suggests that working constantly is linked with an increase in several health risks as well as likely to cause depression and anxiety. It’s no secret that regular exercise and a good diet...